No Scalpel Brazilian Butt Lift

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Is it possible to have a no scalpel Brazilian butt lift? Can you get the body shape of your dreams without having to undertake surgery? Yes, it’s very much possible. Let’s discuss!

Well, who doesn’t want an attractive and well-proportioned body shape? But, everyone hasn’t been blessed with a shapely butt or an appearance like Kim Kardashian (although her curvaceous buttocks aren’t natural at all!) 

So, women take time to go through various medical procedures for butt augmentation to gain that perfect figure and enhance volume.

No Scapel Brazilian Butt Lift

The best ways to get a shapely body silhouette include Exercise, Surgical/No-Scalpel Brazilian Butt lift (BBL) procedures, BBL with liposuction, plastic surgeries, and buttock implants.

Speaking of procedures to increase butt size, many prefer a non-surgical and natural approach, while few might want to get a surgical procedure. Let’s jump right into medical treatments that help you achieve that balanced body profile.

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Medical Procedures for Buttock enhancement.

What kind of procedure you might go into or what might be prescribed to you depends on your medical qualification to be a candidate for the specific process. 

Almost all such procedures may not be safe; the internet is rife with anecdotes about deaths in such surgeries. Yet, the death rates are negligible. How Soon Can You Get A BBL Revision?

So, any medical practitioner will not suggest you do anything that might be hazardous to your health or put your life at risk, just for a beautiful body. In the end, your health should be your priority. Hence, one shouldn’t keep any unrealistic expectations.

So, there exist the following major types of treatments to shape up your asymmetrical buttock.

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No Scapel Brazilian Butt Lift

Surgical methods.

Some of the most popular buttock augmentation surgeries are: 

Brazilian butt lift surgeries: 

BBL uses the removed fat for liposuction. It transfers the excessive fat into the region into the treatment region, i.e., the buttock. Fat transfusion gives a natural touch to your lower-portion  

Implanting solid silicone into your Butt: 

As the name suggests, a solid silicone pad is implanted through incisions to your buttock.

These surgeries have their pros and cons. A few of them are listed below.


  • They add the maximum possible volume.
  • Shape up to perfect body contours and proportions
  • Reduce fat in unwanted places and put them in buttocks-killing two birds with one stone.


You should only appoint a board-certified surgeon for your surgery and avoid going to any non-medical/Illegal location that sells illegal augmented injections or does such surgeries, as these are hazardous and have long-term health effects. 

Leaving that aside, any such surgery has a recovery time of weeks.

A Brazilian Butt Lift surgery takes a recovery time of about six months with drawbacks including the patient not being able to sit down before two weeks, and you need to have a treatment plan or regular checkup to ensure that you get your expected results and an implant surgery also has the almost same toll on your body. You may need BBL Pillow to Help You Sit After a Brazilian Butt Lift.

No Scapel Brazilian Butt Lift

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Injection Methods

Injecting permanent or semi-permanent dermal filler into your buttocks that inflates has been the best alternative for painful surgeries.

The two most popular procedures, Silicone Injecting and No Scalpel Brazilian Butt lift. 

In silicone injecting, the fluid that gets injected; slowly drops and piles up Collagen protein molecules in the buttock region to steadily inflate the region showing the fruits of the procedure over time.

As mentioned before, numerous people are selling Illegal injections and unrealistic butt sizes and shape expectations for a lot of money and at the risk of health. 

Such filler fluids get banned for a reason, that is, that they might circulate into unwanted parts of the body and can cause severe internal damage.  

Now let’s come to the part you have been searching for!

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The No Scalpel Brazilian Butt lift 

No scalpel/Non-surgical/Sculptra Butt-Lift defines a process of injecting a filler acid (Poly-L-Lactic acid) or Sculptra into your Butt to add some volume, texture, and roundness to the butt region and creates a Butt lift a look that appears natural.

These benefits include that it is a bit more affordable than the original Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. An average dosage of Sculptra costs in the range of about $5000 up to a maximum of $7000. And the cons include the short-lasting period of the procedure.

Difference Between Surgical and Non-Surgical BBL

A surgical Brazilian Butt Lift consists of liposuction of fat from portions of the body that consists of an excess of it and then depositing it into your Butt by a fat injection through an incision-which is about a 3-hour long time surgery. 

The minimum cost of such a surgery is about $8000 and can go over $150,000 depending on which and the portion the fat of liposuction is being taken from.

No Scapel Brazilian Butt Lift

The effects of surgery can last decades, and it takes about six months of recovery to show results. The surgery can address almost all the cons of a normal surgical augmentation, which counts excessive bleeding, almost permanent scars, and skin discoloration.

Post-surgical pain is also a thing to be accounted for. Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift is done just by injecting a safe fluid to your Butt, causing it to inflate almost instantly in about one-sixth time required time by a BBL surgery and requires 3-6 weeks intervals between each treatment that continues for a few months to show those symmetrical Buttocks.

And even the highest cost of a Sculptra is lower than the starting cost of surgery. 

The effects last for about two years but can vary from patient to patient while the injections hurt about as much as a Lip injection.  

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So, Which one should you choose?

Honestly, it all comes down to compatibility, budget, and the choice of the patient.

The fact is that Non-Surgical BBL is not a replacement for Surgical BBL, as the difference in results is very much noticeable. The non-surgical method is just a safer alternative few patients prefer due to its lowest risk and pain.

But, the results in a surgical method are historically higher than it. The Sculptra injection barely comes too close to the natural look and the massive size the surgical one offers. 

So No Scalpel BBL can be considered a more natural way to get that sufficient body shape, as all it does is grow the tissue around the hip bone.

If anyone wants to get a Non-surgical BBL, they need to look forward to the next portion.

No Scapel Brazilian Butt Lift

How to know if you are suitable for a No scalpel Brazilian Butt Lift?

The surgical one is risky, and it needs huge criteria to be fulfilled along with several tests to be run to be considered a candidate like a lower body mass index(BMI), Age under 50 (To prevent age-related volume loss and low-fat retaining capacity), and No diabetes or smoking habits.

But on the other hand, No scalpel BBL requires you to be-

  • A low BMI
  • Realistic expectation (A better shape, texture, and a bit of increase in size, not a massive butt)
  • A smaller butt (An already big buttock injected with Sculptra might cause hazards)

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Take An Informed Decision

Keep in mind everything that has been stated so far. Yes, it is possible to have a safe, less risky, and painful way to get the Butt you want. But, it’s important to keep in mind to have realistic expectations in the process and not harm yourself in any possible way. 

Especially if you follow Kim Kardashian and her sisters Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, over the past few years, a hike of over 250% has been witnessed by surgeons in the number of Butt-augmentation patients, and the trend still lives along with the Kardashians.