How Long Is A BBL Procedure?

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If you have made up your mind to get a BBL, you might be wondering how long is a BBL procedure, and how much time you will have to take off work? Here are some answers to your questions.

Plastic surgery provides life-changing opportunities for millions of men and women around the country, allowing them to attain specific cosmetic objectives that would otherwise be impossible to obtain through diet, exercise, or other means. 

To carry out breast augmentation and breast lift, for example, can ultimately restore a cheeky, sensuous, and young aspect to a lady whose breasts have sagged owing to pregnancy or aging.

How Long Is A BBL Procedure

The Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the most popular cosmetological treatments that help patients reach goals they would not have attained otherwise. This article will talk about everything that happens while and after a BBL. If you are wondering, “should I get a BBL”? Then you are at the right place. 

How Long Does a BBL Take?

You will be spending around 5 hours at the surgical facility on the day of your procedure. The surgery will take 3-4 hours, with the rest of the time spent giving an anesthetic and preparing you to leave.

What Should One Expect After a BBL Surgery?

You’ll have to take help from a friend or family member to spend the whole day and maybe a good part of the next one as well after the procedure because you’ll be out of anesthesia and unable to sit. 

The first couple of weeks

Patients with BBL surgery typically take the entire week off at work, but doctors suggest that you take two weeks off because you will not sit correctly for two weeks after the procedure.

Patients who must return to work after a week can use a BBL pillow.

Next six weeks

Following your Brazilian butt-lift, the next six weeks will be spent in a compression garment. You will not be able to do your routine exercises for nearly six to seven weeks following your operation, and you will have to sleep on either your side or your back to protect your buttocks.

After three months and beyond

At three months after surgery, you will be nearly 80% back to normal, and at six months, you will be 90% recovered. One year after surgery, you will be able to witness the full extent of your results.

How Long Is A BBL Procedure

Wondering “Can A BBL go away”?

The effects of a BBL will differ from patient to patient. And it depends upon how the buttock is handled following surgery, 

Your butt will lose up to 40% of its original volume in the first two weeks following the transplant. This is typical, and the surgeon will overfill to compensate for it in the first place. Following that, your butt starts to rejuvenate and develop new fat cells, increasing in volume. Between three and six months, everything settles down.

Depending on how carefully you manage your buttocks during the healing period, you might anticipate the benefits of a BBL to persist for several years, if not decades. If you treat your BBL in a way that maximizes your results, it can and will last for decades. 

Keep in mind that BBL is a semi-permanent process just because the nature of fat is semi-permanent. 

The buttocks change over time in response to the normal aging process, regardless of whether they are gaining or losing a significant amount of weight and overall diet. For the best results of the BBL, lead an active and healthy lifestyle without extreme weight changes. 

How Long Is A BBL Procedure

Let’s Look at How BBL Will Affect People From Various Age Groups.

If you’re between 18 and 21, you’re an excellent candidate for a Brazilian butt-lift. At certain ages, however, all bodies cease to grow and develop. 

Furthermore, until the age of 25, the human brain is not entirely developed. As a result, if you’re between 18 and 21, think about whether you’re secure in your body’s growth and emotional maturity to make the best decisions for you.

You are most likely the proper age to elevate your Brazilian butt between the ages of 22 and 25. Your buttocks are entirely grown and expanding, and you are most likely old enough to decide whether or not this treatment is proper for you.

People belonging to the age group of 26 to 35

Between the ages of 26 and 35 is the best time to consider BBL. You are most likely in good health and have enough fat to remove from other regions of your body to increase your buttocks.

You may have sufficient mental and emotional maturity to do this treatment if you are between 26 and 35. Furthermore, the younger you are, the faster you will heal and the more likely to achieve more remarkable outcomes for up to 15 years.

People belonging to the age group of 35 to 45

Another wonderful period for men and women to consider BBL is between the ages of 36 and 45. If you’re in that age range, you’re most likely a parent. Due to significant changes in weight and hormones, pregnancy is a leading cause of drooping buttocks

Your buttocks, hips, and thighs will acquire a lot of weight if you receive BBL before giving birth, and you may need follow-up therapy.

How Long Is A BBL Procedure

People belonging to the age group of 46 to 54

Many clients believe that between 46 and 54 is the ideal age for the Brazilian Butt-lift. Your skin will begin to droop noticeably at this age, and you will lose a large amount of volume. 

However, because you are still young and healthy, recovery will not be difficult. You may also be in good enough condition to pick between local and general anesthesia.

People belonging to the age group of 55 and above 

Even if you are 55 or older, you can still get the Brazilian Butt Lift. It is unlikely that your body image will change significantly in the future. In addition, it can suffer from widespread sagging of the skin and loss of local volume. 

If you don’t have hematologic diseases, don’t drink too much or smoke, and have a reasonably healthy lifestyle, you may still be considering BBL.

If you have a BBL when you’re 55 or older, you’ll probably only be able to enjoy the effects for a decade. However, there are certain lifestyle decisions you may make to help your therapy last longer. 

If you can maintain your weight, for example, there’s a good chance you won’t lose volume in your buttocks. Furthermore, if you eat a nutritious diet rich in nutrients essential for good skin, you may not see drooping skin for more than a decade.

What Is A Double BBL Surgery?

A “double BBL” is when the procedure is performed twice on the same individual. If you want your buttocks to be larger than what can be done with just one surgery, you will need a double BBL. 

This is because of tissue expansion. How the tissues expand to accept the extra volume of fat limits the quantity of fat injected into surgery, and no more fat can be injected after the tissue has become too tight.

So To Answer Your Question, Can I Get a BBL Surgery?

There’s a strong possibility you’re a suitable candidate for a BBL if you’re between the ages of 18 and 54. At the end of the day, whether this is the best surgery to help you reach your cosmetic objectives depends on your medical history, present health, and capacity to make a reasonable decision.

How Long Is A BBL Procedure

Where Do They Take Fat From for BBL Surgery?

There are three essential phases to the Brazilian Butt Lift.

  • Liposuction removes fat from the hips, hips, thighs, abdomen, and other places.
  • The fat that was taken has been cleaned and is ready to be transferred.
  • The fat is placed at a specified location by a cosmetic surgeon. Infuse Hips volume and form should be increased.

Outpatient surgery is frequently done with general or intravenous sedation and local anesthetic. It’s relatively uncommon for part of the fat injected to “not pick up” in a new area. Because of this, skilled cosmetic surgeons may inject a bit more fat into the buttocks than is required for the final effect.

Wrap Up

BBL surgery isn’t a very tough procedure, and its effects vary from person to person as we all are built differently. So whenever you head on to the clinic, go in with realistic expectations and two weeks of holidays in hand. 

We hope we were able to answer most of your questions in this article with regards to the length of the procedure and the right age to get it done. If you have more questions to ask, do, please use the comments section below to get your queries addressed.

And as always, do give us a shoutout if the article helped address your queries and you would like to share it with others like you searching for answers regarding BBL.