CBD Oil for Osteoporosis – Benefits and Options

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In a person with osteoporosis, the bone structure is compromised- the integrity of the bones is weakened and bone formation is affected.

Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone diseases seen in human beings. It is characterized by a decrease in bone density that leads to fragile and weaker bones.

This weakening results in higher risks of bone fracture that is most often seen in the wrist and hip regions or spine collapses.

CBD Oil for Osteoporosis- Benefits and Options

There are a number of medically approved ways to treat osteoporosis.

The most widely used drugs used to treat osteoporosis are called bisphosphonates. These are generally made available in the form of:

  • Fosamax (alendronate)
  • Boniva (ibandronate)
  • Actonel (risedronate).

However, with research studies and the latest medical advancements, it is seen that medical marijuana is especially beneficial for pain relief.

Concerning osteoporosis, research shows that CBD oil can beneficial in treating the symptoms of this bone disease.

The studies show that CBD extract acts as a natural remedy to improve bone health.

Also, CBD oil and other CBD products were found to improve the health of bone tissues, bone mass, and bone density of the weakened bone, promoting active living.

CBD is one of the many cannabinoids (compounds) found in the cannabis plant. It is referred to as cannabis plants as either marijuana or hemp, based on the THC content they contain.

Recent studies have shown that it can be used for therapeutic purposes.

CBD Oil for Osteoporosis: Hemp Oil for Bone Loss

The two primary compounds in the cannabis or marijuana plant are THC and CBD, which have varying effects on the consumer.

Unlike THC, CBD is not a psychoactive compound. It does not change the consumer’s state of mind when used.

CBD may produce significant changes in the body, and it also shows some important medical benefits.

Research studies have shown that CBD extract makes bones stronger while healing them by promoting collagenous matrix maturation.

This, in turn, enhances bone mineralization. After the bones are treated using CBD, they begin to break. Thus, topical CBD like cannabis oil improves overall bone health and bone density.

CBD Oil for Osteoporosis

Cannabis oil is also capable of easing chronic pain or joint pain.

There is also growing evidence that cannabis oil can ease the effects of osteoporosis, including bone formation, loss of bone mass, formation of bone tissue, decrease in bone loss, etc., bringing this bone disease to a manageable level.

The cannabinoid is capable of reducing the risk of bone fracture.

A cannabinoid produces effects in the body by interacting with cannabinoid receptors. This forms a part of the endocannabinoid system. The body has two cannabinoid receptors:

  • CB1 cannabinoid receptors: These are present throughout the body, specifically in the brain. They coordinate movement, emotion, mood, pain, appetite, thinking, memories, etc.
  • CB2 cannabinoid receptors: The CB2 receptors are typical in the immune system. These impact chronic pain and inflammation.

THC intertwines to CB1 receptors, but CBD stimulates the receptors so that the body produces cannabinoids on its own. These are known as endocannabinoids.

This type of cannabinoid receptor is needed for the regulation of bone metabolism.

Physiologically, it is essential to maintain a balance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts for optimum bone health.

As you get older this delicate balance is impaired and you have an increased risk of bone fracture and bone loss.

CBD Dosage for Osteoporosis:

Many studies state that professionals are yet to determine the most effective therapeutic dose of hemp oil for osteoporosis.

A lot about hemp oil is still unknown, and hence its exact dosage or effectiveness cannot be determined.

Professionals agree that hemp oil or CBD oil certainly provides therapeutic benefits for patients suffering from chronic pain and other bone diseases.

The exact dosage for treating a particular condition cannot be determined.


Despite the lack of knowledge about the accurate dosage, patients who have been prescribed a CBD product like hemp seed oil should consult with their doctor regarding an estimate of seed oil for treatment.

Doses generally range from as low as 5mg per day to about 100mg per day. Your bone mass and overall health play an important role in determining the dosage size.


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How to Take CBD Oil for Osteoporosis?

There is plenty of evidence suggesting hemp oil which is a derivate of the cannabis plant, is a restorative treatment for osteoporosis.

Human research trials are still needed to verify the effects of hemp seed oil for osteoporosis; however, there is a promising future for treating medical challenges and osteoporosis in humans.

Human clinical trials involving CBD oil, CBD cream, CBD vape oils, and topical CBD products for bone diseases are underway.

CBD treats pain and adverse effects caused by high blood pressure and neuropathy in people coping with dormant symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The hemp plant also has improved the mental health of people living with mental health illnesses-hemp seed has enabled people to manage anxiety and depression.

Benefits of CBD Oil for Osteoporosis

Given the physical effects of arthritis pain and the debilitating effects of osteoporosis, it is likely that osteoporosis patients also suffer from anxiety or depression.

There is enough evidence to believe that optimal amounts of CBD extract can improve one’s physical and mental health.

Research and surveys show that about 200 million people suffer from bone loss and a substantial number of those people are not elderly people with existing arthritis pain or rheumatoid arthritis.

However, issues with bone metabolism, bone density, and bone loss seem to begin in adults aged between 40 to 50 years.

One in three women over the age of 50 are prone to osteoporosis, and approximately one in five men of the same age group struggle with unhealthy bone metabolism and bone loss issues.

It is also observed that more women, especially postmenopausal women, may be diagnosed with osteoporosis symptoms.


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CBD Oil Benefits for Osteoporosis

Ongoing research into the effects of CBD on bone healing suggests that many patients may benefit from CBD products like CBD cream and hemp seed oil.

The hemp seed extract is known to accelerate the body’s ability to heal while enhancing the strength of fractured bones and fragile bones, simultaneously treating bone metabolism.

Osteoporosis could be fatal in its most severe stages. Measures to improve bone strength and bone density are definitely worth considering for alleviating joint pains to provide pain relief.


Marijuana extracts are also known to treat other bone-associated issues like arthritis pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

CBD products’ ability to suppress receptors triggering pain in the body drastically improves the overall quality of life for those who are not capable of taking regular doses.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major non-psychoactive constituent of the marijuana plant. It has gained popularity as a potential treatment for intractable joint pain, arthritis pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, and many other chronic pains in many conditions.

The evidence suggests that CBD provides therapeutic benefits even in certain forms of epilepsy and improves the quality of life. However, the use of CBD products may not always cause pain relief to the consumer.

CBD Products and Usage:

There are several different ways of administering CBD extract. Based on the condition being treated and the appropriate dosage, one of these methods can be used to administer CBD. Some common forms of CBD include:

  1. CBD Oil and CBD cream: CBD oil can be applied or taken directly in the mouth or can even be added to food and drinks. The CBD topical cream can be applied to your body for joint pain relief.
  2. Gummies: CBD gummies are a discrete and convenient method of reaping the benefits of the cannabis plant.
  3. CBD capsules: These generally come in the form of soft gels or pills which are infused with CBD. These may also be abused rather easily. However, they are very convenient.
  4. CBD topicals: People generally use CBD topical creams for localized pain and skin conditions.
  5. CBD vape oils: CBD vape oil generally refers to any vape juice containing CBD. CBD is a derivative in medical cannabis and hemp plants and has been shown to provide relief to several ailments as well as providing pain relief.
  6. CBD tincture: These are alcohol-based extracts that use alcohol to steep the cannabis plant.

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Benefits of CBD Oils for Osteoporosis:

There are several medical benefits from the use of the extract of medical cannabis. CBD should be used by combining it with other therapies for maximum benefit and efficacy.

While CBD may not being a complete cure for osteoporosis, it offers a supportive role when used with other medications and exercises. The benefits of CBD oils include:

Cannabinoids Oil

  •  CBD improves bone density: CBD appears to enhance bone growth and strengthening by accelerated osteoblast formation. Researchers believe that osteoclasts, when activated, speed up bone degeneration. This receptor is called GPR55. CBD explicitly blocks the activation of this receptor, reducing osteoclast activity.
  • Ease pain and inflammation: CBD reduces inflammation and provides pain relief. It has been used by people for relieving chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
  • CBD regulates hormonal imbalance: The endocannabinoid system may be stimulated with the use of CBD, a cannabinoid produced by the marijuana plant. CBD can be used to stabilize hormones like insulin, cortisol, and melatonin.
  • CBD and bone fractures: CBD enhances fracture healing as it stimulates Lysyl Hydroxylase- an enzyme involved with bone healing. CBD stimulates bone-building cells.

Apart from the above benefits, CBD can also be used to treat arthritis or joint pain, anxiety and depression, sleep disorder, migraine, cluster and other headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nausea, cancer, allergies or asthma, epilepsy, and other seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis (MS), lung conditions, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.


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Risks and Side-effects Associated With CBD Products

Like many treatments and medications, the use of CBD may also come with some risks.

CBD interacts with supplements and other drugs as well. A majority of the CBD products do not have FDA approval yet. This means that they have not undergone thorough tests and trials. Possible risks of using CBD regularly include:

  • Liver damage
  • Interactions with other drugs and alcohol
  • Inability to remain alert
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood changes
  • Reduced fertility in men

There has been an exponential growth in the interest of using CBD as a therapy or treatment. Patients must ask a healthcare professional for advice regarding which CBD product to use and how to use it.

They must also research to make sure that they are following the regional and local laws. An immense amount of research is necessary to determine all the effects of CBD on various diseases; however, the treatment of osteoporosis using CBD looks promising.

When combined with a healthy diet plan and exercises for osteoporosis, it may help you live well with osteoporosis.