Doshas, Diet and the Ayurvedic treatment for gout

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Doshas, Diet and the Ayurvedic treatment for gout

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from gout then you understand that this is a painful condition that can be chronic. Ayurvedic treatment for gout holds great promise for many people.

In fact, many of the recommendations from Western doctors for how to treat gout are very similar to the Ayurvedic methods of treatment.

The majority of the treatment process focuses on diet and lifestyle changes, something that Ayurvedic practitioners have recognized the value of for centuries.

Understanding gout

Gout is classified as a type of arthritis, but it is really a disorder of the metabolism. The body begins to overproduce uric acid that cannot be handled by the body’s natural filtering systems and it can cause painful inflammation and swelling in the joints.

It can also cause the development of “chalkstones” which can lead to problems with the elimination system and digestive processes in the body.

Most of the Western medical approach to treating gout is to have the person adopt a diet based on a list of foods to avoid if you have arthritis, along with anti-inflammation medication and pain relievers.

It has also become very accepted that an increase in physical activity can help to relieve joint inflammation and pain as well.

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

Ayurvedic medicine is a practice that originated from Ayurveda, a system of beliefs about the human body and being.

In it, there are three doshas (states) that are defined as influencing the functioning of the body. With right body functioning, the rest of the being is healthy.

Every person is born inclined more towards one state than another. Ayurvedic Medicine defines different illnesses as symptoms of disturbances within these states, and to the person’s overall natural state.

  • Pitta is focused on the energies associated with digestion and hormone chemical levels in the body and brain. People who tend to gain weight or are more pear or apple shaped are thought to have a high Pitta.
  • Vata governs energy of movement. It is typically associated with those who tend to be thing.
  • Kalpha is focused on the energy of strength and growth. This includes the immune system. People with strong, muscular frames are seen as being Kalpha.

Pitta people tend to be thin and their majority balance is focused on the energies of motion and movement. Vata people tend to be heavier and most of their issues and ailments will be centered on digestion and hormonal disturbances.

Kalpha people are the “healthy as an ox” types; they tend to strong immune systems and have muscular frames. When one of these types has their natural balance of energy disrupted, the symptoms will show up as a myriad of illnesses – including anxiety.

The Vata Dosha

The Vata Dosha is the state in which Ayurvedic Practitioners believe that Vata Rakta (gout) comes from when it is out of balance. For a person to be in balance, the three doshas must be in harmony.

The Vata Dosha has to do with various digestive and hormonal processes in the body. When it goes out of balance, the increase in the uric acid that causes gout can occur.

The Vata Dosha is most easily regulated through the use of diet and supplements, which may include the use of different traditional Ayurvedic herbs and medicines.

Ayurvedic medicines are compounds of herbs. While there has been recent news questioning the safety of Ayurvedic medicines due to the presence of mercury and other toxic chemicals, new regulations that require labeling have served to make this medicines much safer.

Ayurvedic treatment for gout

The traditional Ayurvedic treatment for gout is going to focus on getting the Vata Dosha back into balance with the other two doshas.

This means it will vary from person to person, depending on whether they are Pitta, Vata or Kalpha. The general treatment will include an addition of specific Ayurvedic herbs and medicines, plus a change in diet and specific movement and relaxation techniques as well.

As Vata is ruled by the digestion, most of the treatment will work to bring that in line to reduce the uric acid and flush the system. A detoxifying flush is usual, although how it will be done will vary according to the state of the person.

How effective is the treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment for gout is one of the best ways to gain relief from the disorder and to prevent recurrence. It uses what Western medicine recognizes are valid methods of treatment – such as a dietary focus and introduction of movement.

Ayurvedic believers also have found that the detoxification methods used to treat gout improve overall body and mind wellness quickly.

It is important to remember that Ayurvedic medicine approaches illness as a holistic problem, they do not consider the eradication of a symptom as success.

The method of working for doshas is ongoing. The natural balance of the doshas is always in flux, which is why Ayurveda is more of a complete lifestyle practice than a medicinal practice you only use when something has gone wrong.

Many of the recommendations to cure an illness include admonitions for permanent lifestyle changes that will help prevent future illness and recurrence of the original issue. It is most successful when taken on as a lifestyle.

How do you know if you should try Ayurvedic treatment for gout?

Talk to your doctor before starting any complementary treatment for your gout.  The Ayurvedic treatment for gout has a focus on diet and movement, but it is also going to involve the use of certain herbs and traditional medicines.

You want to check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure that there is no potential for an interaction if you are taking any medications. You also want to talk to your Ayurvedic practitioner before deciding to take natural medicine.

They will be able to tell you which is correct for you. The results you should expect take longer than other methods of treatment, but you can expect fairly quick relief from your symptoms.

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