People often experience tendinitis in their ankles, knees, hips, elbows, and wrists. The pain can be excruciating and come on suddenly. Movement of the infected area will increase the pain.
I’ll discuss the causes of this disorder what makes it worse, and what treatment options are available. I’ll also discuss ways to prevent this from occurring in the following paragraphs.
What is Tendonitis?
Tendonitis is defined as an inflammation which breaks down the soft tissue surrounding your bones and muscles known as the tendons.
Tendons are cord resembling structure, found in the narrowest part of the muscle, where it attaches to the bone. This formation transmits signals to the brain, which causes you to move.
What Did I do to Deserve This?
People often get tendonitis from overusing one specific set of muscles, in a retentive function. Sudden injury can cause this to occur as well.
Secretaries often get tendonitis from repetitive typing, carpenters from the constant hammering. Tennis players often experience the pain in their elbow.
On rare occasion, some pharmaceutical drugs will cause a person to suffer from ruptured tendons. Some of them include the statin family that’s used to lower cholesterol, they are; Lipitor, Lescol, lovastatin, and pravastatin. The antibiotic fluoroquinolone can also cause ruptured tendons.
What Will Happen During My Doctor Visit?
The doctor will look at your medical history and give you an exam. The physician will look for any sign of tenderness along the tendons. They will also ask you about your daily activities, including your work.
If the problem persists, the doctor will then order an x-ray, MRI, ultrasound and blood work to find the underlining cause.
What Are the Treatment Options?
Treatment depends on the underlining cause. If its job related, the doctor and possibly physical therapist will review your job requirements and show you better alternatives to accomplish your obligations.
Many doctors prescribe RICE. This is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
You should rest the injured area. This will allow it time to heal, reduce inflammation and possibly repair some of the damage. Since it’s your hip doctors suggest to keep off the affected hip for a while. Especially during the times, it’s inflamed.
When you do move around, use a cane in your opposite hand to help reduce the amount of pressure being applied to the extremity. The doctor may also order you a splint, brace, or other types of orthotic devices.
Appling ice to the area will reduce swelling which will reduce the amount of pain you’re experiencing. You should do this for a maximum time of fifteen minutes twice daily.
Elevating your hip will increase circulation and blood flow. This will reduce the pain and swelling.
The doctor may advise you to take some non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicines, NSAIDs. Some of these include ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. Another alternative is acetaminophen.
There are also creams that can help alleviate some of your pain.
Sometimes a doctor will give you corticosteroid injections to help reduce the pain and inflammation.
If there’s an infection the doctor will start you on some antibiotics.
You might be asked to see a physical therapist. They will show you different exercises you can do to strengthen the injured hip. It is especially wise to see a physical therapist if you’ve lost some mobility in the infected area.
If after you’ve unsuccessfully attempted these options above, the doctor may suggest surgery.
Stopping Tendinitis in its Tracks
Here are a few tips to help you prevent tendinitis from occurring
Be sure to use good posture. Stand up straight, shoulders back, chest out and head up. This will keep your body in proper alignment and prevent strained muscles.
Use good body mechanics when you’re lifting. With the object close to you, bend at the knees, tighten your stomach muscles, keep your back straight and lift using your arm and leg muscles.
If the object is too heavy push the object, or ask for help. If you have to pull something stand sideways feet shoulder length apart and pull using your arm and leg muscles.
When you exercise, be sure to have a proper warm up first. Instead of pushing yourself, you should gradually increase your exercise activities. Make sure to have the right equipment and the gear isn’t faulty.
When you have to sit or stand for long periods of time, change your position often. Experts suggest you do this at least every forty minutes. Staying in one place for long periods of time can cause muscle spasms.
If an activity hurts you to do, then don’t do it.
Don’t sit with your legs underneath you. This is bad for circulation.
Always wear the proper footwear for that activity. Make sure your footwear is comfortable and give you the support you need. If you walk on concrete put a cushion inside the bottom of your shoe for extra support. You also could use running shoes. Make sure your shoes fit correctly and your toes aren’t crunched up.
Strengthen your leg muscles by doing leg lifts, while you are sitting. You can add ankle weights for additional strengthening.
Tendinitis is the inflammation and destruction of the soft tissue surrounding your muscles and bones, known as tendons. This can occur in your ankles, knees, hips, elbows, and wrists. It’s usually caused by repetitive movement, but injury can cause this to occur.
The treatment of this disorder depends on the underlining cause. A lot of doctors prescribe the rice diet. Rest, ice, compressor and elevation. They will also advise you to take NSAIDs or acetaminophen.
Doctors might give you cortisone shots to help reduce the pain and swelling. They might also suggest exercises possible with a physical therapist to help strengthen the muscles. Their final suggestion might be supportive device, braces or other orthopedic devices.
There are ways to prevent this from occurring. Good posture, proper body mechanics, warm up before exercising, and proper footwear area a few options.