Joints inflammation can occur when there’s injury to the area. Certain diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and numerous autoimmune diseases can cause inflammation as well.
Can Blood clots cause inflammation, or does inflammation cause clots to form, I will answer these questions and more, in the following paragraphs.
Inflamed Vein, Are You For real?
Phlebitis is a condition that occurs when the vein becomes irritated. This inflammation causes damage to the wall of the blood vessel. It disrupts blood flow, which causes clots to form.
Some things that cause phlebitis include; injury to the vein, immobility for long periods of time, IV’s, post-surgery, patients who are bedridden, or hospitalized.
Others might include; cancer, clotting disorders, post mastectomy, burn victims, trauma to an extremity, hormone therapy, genetics, people who are overweight, and people who smoke,
The signs of phlebitis include; redness, pain, swelling and tenderness in the area. In addition a person might have a low grade temperature, under 102 f.
When a blood clot occurs from phlebitis, it’s known as thrombophlebitis. If this clot lies just under the skin, it’s called superficial thrombophlebitis, because it’s in a superficial vein. If it goes deep in the vein it’s known as DVT, or deep vein thrombosis.
DVT’s require immediate attention, because sometimes it can break off and travel to other parts of your body, like your heart and lungs.
Blocking the artery in these areas could result in death. Some people believe that if they have a superficial clot, they will get DVT. This is not always true.
The Ramification of an Infections
Studies have shown that people who have had a severe infection like Urinary tract infections and repertory infections has an increased chance of getting a deep vein thrombosis.
They’re known to have a higher risk for pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in a pulmonary artery, an artery of the heart and lung.
Researchers concluded that it’s their body’s inflammatory reaction that causes them to have a higher risk of forming blood clots.
So what is inflammation? Why cause it to happen? I will explain in the following paragraph.
Your Immune System to the Rescue
Inflammation occurs when your body produces and sends white blood cells and other useful organisms, associated with your immune system to an area.
This response is triggered when your body believes that it’s been invaded by some foreign antigen. There are numerous things that cause inflammation to occur.
Some of them include; bug bites, skin infections, open sores and injury. Certain disease can cause inflammation as well.
Sometimes the body believes there’s harmful antigen, but this perceived culprit is actually its own tissue and organs. This is what causes the numerous autoimmune diseases to transpire.
If this inflammatory reaction becomes out of control, it can cause numerous health issues. Some of them include; Obesity, heart disease, cancers and other inflammatory diseases.
Once inflammation occurs, the body will create edema, which is a buildup of fluid. This excessive fluid causes swelling, in that particular area.
The Pains of Edema
The symptoms of edema and inflammation depends on the amount of edema and where it is located, for instance if a person has a bug bite on their arm.
The area around the bite would be swollen, but if they were allergic to this particular bug, then their entire arm and hand could be swollen.
This could cause severe pain, warmth, and redness. It could limit the amount of movement the person has in that extremity.
If a person has edema and inflammation from an ankle injury, their foot toes and ankle would be swollen and would be painful to touch.
It will be extremely painful to stand and try to walk on it. The area will become discolored and feel extremely heavy.
This will cause the person to have difficulty with their mobility. This edema can cause problems with their circulatory system which can lead to sores known as ulcers and can produce blood clots.
How Do They Reduce The Swelling?
The treatment depends on the cause, location, and amount of swelling. If it’s caused from an infected wound, both orally and topically antibiotics would be given.
If it’s an allergic reaction from a bug bite, they would give the person an antihistamine to reduce the histamine in their body. They would clean and treat the wound with some type of antibiotic ointment.
If it is a skin infection, some type of topical ointment will be applied. Probably a corticosteroid, or possible an antifungal. This would depend on what’s causing the infection.
If the edema is from an injury the doctor will tell the patient to apply heat and then ice to the affected area to help reduce the swelling.
If the inflammation is from a blockage, perhaps a tumor, the blockage would either be reduced, or surgically removed.
If it’s caused a blood clot the patient would be given medicine to thin the blood which will reduce the size of the clot. They would probably drain the fluid off of the infected limb.
If the edema is from a disease like liver disease or heart related issues the doctor will give them medicine that will pull the excess water off of their body known as a diuretic. They might also suggest to reduce the amount of salt intake in their diet.
Test Your Knowledge
After reading this article you know that a condition known as phlebitis, which is as inflammation of a blood vessel can cause blood clots to occur.
These blood clots can be superficial, just under the skin or it can be deep in a vein known as DVT.
In addition, you understand that UTI’s and repertory infections, being bedridden, post surgeries, cancers, immobility, genetics, clotting disorders, trauma being overweight and smoking can increase your risk of blood clots.
We’ve also discussed how your body’s own immune system causes inflammation, which causes edema to occur. This edema can cause blood clots to form.