Autoimmune disease? 3 Secret Blood Tests that are not Included in the Standard Testing

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Autoimmune disease? 3 Secret Blood Tests that are not Included in the Standard Testing

Autoimmune diseases are where the system attacks the healthy tissue in your system by viewing the natural components of your system as foreign bodies, killing them off and making you sick.

Autoimmune diseases can be hard to treat as most medicines can be viewed in your system as foreign and thus harmful, resulting in the rejection of the drugs and you don’t recover from the illness.

Blood tests are often run to see which particular autoimmune disease you have so that doctors can assign the correct medication to help you recover.

There are 3 secret blood tests that are currently not used as standard to test for autoimmune diseases, which this article will discuss.

TH1/TH2 Cytokine Tests

Your white blood cells are incredible in that they communicate with your body through the proteins that make up your being.

The specific proteins in this case are those of Cytokine proteins which enable them to communicate effectively.

There are two types of systems within your body that heal you, the first attackers (TH1) and then antibodies (the most known, TH2).

An effectively and properly working immune system will have a consistent balance between these two types of systems which will then “bounce off” one another, keeping them in line.

If one of these systems becomes more powerful than the other, the systems fall out of balance and an autoimmune disease can be triggered.

Many therapies which treat the imbalance of these systems require knowledge of which side is more powerful than the other, making it easier to target the specific problem that’s being caused and thus making the recovery more effective.

Once balance has been restored between the two systems, the autoimmune disease is no longer a threat and a full recovery has been made.

CD4/CD8 Ratios

This is an analysis of the autoimmune system, which entails the white blood cells and how they help our system stay strong through an illness.

White blood cells work together in the body to attack foreign bodies, which are often referred to as “helper cells”.

Other cells within the system turn off the immune attack (otherwise known as suppressor cells) once the fight against the foreign bodies is over.

This test is vital to understanding exactly what the problem is with your body in regards to whether it’s a bacterial problem, a virus or even something like food poisoning.

All of these can attack your body and weaken the immune system so it’s important to understand which one is present, or if more than one is attacking your system, so that the correct treatment can be given to provide you with an adequate recovery method, making you healthy again in the long run.

Vitamin D Test

Although it may seem contradictory, vitamin D isn’t actually a vitamin in the traditional sense. Vitamin D is actually a hormone in the system which plays a vital role within your body to help keep you healthy.

The role it plays is balancing the immune system which should then keep you healthy in the long run. Vitamin D levels which are low usually result in the contraction of an autoimmune deficiency.

The interesting part of vitamin D problems in the body is that people who tend to have usually low levels of vitamin D usually also suffer from a genetic disorder which prevents the generation and use of vitamin D in the body.

This of course means that the body is working against itself and not allowing your system to recover from any illness due to consistently low levels of vitamin D.

This usually results in the person having to take extremely high doses of vitamin D to make sure that the balance of the vitamin is sufficient enough for your body to handle.

Usually somebody that is suffering from an autoimmune disease relating to the vitamin D levels in your body have to have constant checks every 3 weeks to ensure that the treatment is being as effective as possible.

Vitamin D directly affects the calcium levels in your system which is vital to keep you alive, meaning that without the high dosage of vitamin D in your system you can potentially fall fatally ill and pass away.

All of the above blood tests are typically not used when looking for the autoimmune disease that can usually be found by traditional methods.

Although the above blood tests are effective, it’s recommended that you stick to traditional methods unless advised otherwise.

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