We believe myofascial pain can be cured. So, to answer some readers’ noted questions; yes, myofascial pain can be cured. But, how is this possible? And what exactly is a myofascial pain?
Before going onto an explanation on what myofascial pain is all about, along with some notes on how it is currently being treated, we first answer the most important question here; can myofascial pain be cured.
And the emphatic answer is; yes, it can.
So, can myofascial pain be cured?
We had to ask. No coherent answer has been put forward but one anonymous faith-based patient who had been suffering from the disease for many years believes that he/she has been cured.
Our argument here, if you will, is that with the rate of advancements in medical research and technologies these days, like many other previously incurable conditions, syndromes and even diseases, we believe that a cure for myofascial pain is inevitable.
But for the time being, while there is no direct and instantaneous cure, treatments are available, particularly for those who’ve been inflicted with myofascial pain for far too long.
And while research continues in the search for a cure, alternative treatment remedies are becoming more popular among desperate patients who have all but given up on clinical trials and treatments.
One case in point
One patient believes that she had been cured. She began her treatment by using the FibroFree-sourced supplements and continued to use them for at least three months.
It brought her some relief but, ultimately, it did not work. The patient then sought out treatment with a physiotherapist who specializes in craniofacial therapy.
This patient also stresses the need for alternative and what she termed ‘holistic’ treatments.
Nevertheless, she continued to visit her physical therapist for at least another four years before she began to feel any remarkable results.
She reminded her readers that because clinical drug therapy was still necessary, she also visited a specialist who deals with the proper regimented use of drugs specifically required for chronic disabilities.
Faith-based cure?
The patient in question also mentioned that she had taken advantage of the essential healing properties of massage therapies. It did not cure her, but it helped.
For this particular patient, it ultimately came down to her faith and her absolute belief that she could be cured. This reminds us of the correlation between mind and body in which case neurological stresses often cause pain in other areas of the body.
The positive mindset, however, always helps. But, as this particular case study has acknowledged, strictly speaking, she wasn’t cured. It can be healed and treated but not medically cured.
To those who are still struggling with the debilitating effects of myofascial pain, we’d like to motivate them by not giving up and continue to believe, like we do, that a complete cure will be possible in the future.
What is a myofascial pain?
So, whether there are cures or not (strictly speaking, know that there is still treatment and healing), many outsiders still need to know what exactly the myofascial pain is all about.
Firstly, it is also clinically defined as myofascial pain syndrome or abbreviated by the more easily pronounceable MPS.
At times the pain can be excruciating, affecting the connecting tissue that covers muscles of the body (also known clinically as fascia).
The pain felt by patients is often unusual and misunderstood because it can strike in perceived unrelated parts of the human body.
The argument against a cure for myofascial pain is also put forward in definitions by calling the disease a chronic condition.
But whether there is a cure or not isn’t even relevant because sufferers need to be reminded that treatment and therapy are still always readily available. To wholly understand what the MPS sufferer goes through a more extensive explanation is required.
Later, before we end this article, we will address some of the treatment possibilities while still remaining firm in the belief that there will one day be a complete cure for myofascial pain.
The pain and inflammation felt within the body’s soft tissues and/or muscles are referred to as myofascial pain which is also a chronic condition.
The often confusing and unusual sensation of pain in other areas of the body caused by a so-called trigger point within or near the injured tissue or muscle area is also known as referred pain.
How myofascial pain is treated
While there is no formal cure for myofascial pain for the time being, dramatically there is also no way of preventing it either.
But it is quite possible to at least minimize contracting MPS by reducing stress and avoiding re-injuring the same affected muscular areas. Emphasis is also placed on optimizing the body with the correct amount of sleep each night.
More importantly, and to re-emphasize, while there is still no formal cure for myofascial pain, the focus should remain on the treatment of this condition in the full knowledge that it can be managed and the effects of MPS in the patient’s body can be drastically reduced.
One medical journal correctly states that much like many other syndromes, the treatment of myofascial pain, in striving to be effective, can include a multifaceted approach.
Most healthy alternatives for the effective treatment and management or reduction of myofascial pain include exercise regimens along with stretching and physical therapy when prescribed or available to the patient.
Other programs also include working towards better sleep at night and drastic reductions of stress, particularly among patients who are prone to high anxiety levels.
Inevitably and particularly where cases are acute or extreme, clinical therapy including the use of prescribed drugs will also be part of effective treatment programs.
There’s just enough time to take another shot at the important question; is there a cure for myofascial pain. To recap, there is no cure, but the syndrome can be well managed. Will there be a cure in the future? Most certainly, yes!