Untying Muscle Knots: Myofascial Pain Syndrome Trigger Points

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Trigger Points

Myofascial trigger points are an extremely common cause of chronic pain. In a recent study conducted by a pain management center, it was discovered that there was a myofascial component to pain in 95% of the study participants. Myofascial refers to muscle tissue (myo) and the three-dimensional web of connective tissue (fascia) that stretches between … Read more

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Gabapentin for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Gabapentin for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a pain disorder that affects people every day. It is chronic and learning how to deal with this is the priority of most people that are affected with this syndrome. For those who have this they have inflammation and muscle pain throughout the soft tissues in their bodies. It can make … Read more

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Signs and Symptoms of Myofascial Pain

Symptoms of Myofascial Pain

The condition of myofascial pain syndrome is considered a chronic pain disorder. In this condition, pressure on the trigger- or sensitive- points on your body result in pain in areas of your body that seem to be unrelated. This is known as referred pain. Typically, this condition occurs after a particular muscle has been contracted repeatedly- … Read more

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Does myofascial pain cause dizziness?

Can myofascial pain cause dizziness

Right now, you could be experiencing symptoms of dizziness. But you do not have a clue as to where its coming from, these dizzy spells. Also, you’ve had them before. There’s another question being asked today; can myofascial pain cause dizziness. We’d like to help you and your co-readers find the answers, and we’re going … Read more

Yes! Myofascial pain can be cured!

Can myofascial pain be cured

We believe myofascial pain can be cured. So, to answer some readers’ noted questions; yes, myofascial pain can be cured. But, how is this possible? And what exactly is a myofascial pain? Before going onto an explanation on what myofascial pain is all about, along with some notes on how it is currently being treated, we … Read more

Is Myofascial Self-Massage Effective?

Myofascial Release Self-Massage

Self Myofascial Release Techniques, SMRT, are definitely not a new thing, but they are becoming more and more popular among both athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Both practitioners of alternative and allopathic medicine have begun to use myofascial release massage techniques to rehabilitate a variety of injuries as well as reduce the problem of chronic pain. … Read more

What is Myofascial Pain?

What is Myofascial Pain?

Myofascial pain syndrome occurs when a tightened up ball of knotted muscle cause sore areas to appear, on a person’s body. What happens is the nerves inside of these muscles begin firing so rapidly that it causes excruciating pain and stiffness in that area. These areas are known as myofascial trigger points. The pain from … Read more

Essential Oils for Treating Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Essential Oils for Treating Myofascial Pain Syndrome

What, exactly is myofascial pain syndrome? This syndrome is caused when the muscles tighten to such an extreme that the muscles end up in large knots, these areas become so painful that it hurts every time someone tries to use that particular set of muscles. These areas known as trigger points will continue to tighten … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Myofascial Pain Syndrome

The Ultimate Guide to Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Facts In order to evaluate Myofascial pain syndrome, it is important to evaluate some facts revolving around the syndrome in an objective and straight forward way. Myofascial is a combination of two Latin words- “Myo”, meaning muscle and “Fascia” meaning the connective tissue surrounding the muscle. The condition refers to the triggering … Read more