What Are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection?

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Yeast infections. No one really wants to talk about them, and they are far from being a girl’s best friend. They are inconvenient, to say the least.

Between the itching, burning, and the discharge, some women find it hard to go about their daily lives. Yeast infections can be cured by taking a single pill, however, or even by using natural home remedies such as garlic or yogurt.

What Causes Yeast Infections?

There are many things that can cause women to have yeast infections. Sex, trying new soap, swimming, or even wearing tight underwear or clothing all have the ability to upset the delicate pH in a woman’s body.

Try to remember if you’ve been doing anything out of the ordinary or using soaps, douches, or other items that you don’t usually use.

This could help you determine the possible culprit of the yeast infection. Once you determine the cause of your yeast infection, you can take steps to prevent yourself from getting another in the same way.

Know The Symptoms of Yeast Infections.

Before you can rule out any other infections and diseases and diagnose what you’re going through as a yeast infection, you and your doctor must first know the symptoms.

Familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of a yeast infection can save you a trip to the doctor and can allow you to treat this inconvenient infection at home.

Yeast infections come with many symptoms. You may experience all of these symptoms or simply one or two. One thing’s for sure, however: these symptoms are not inconspicuous enough to go unnoticed.

1. Itching is Common.

Most women experience vaginal itching. This is one of the first signs that something might be wrong down there. Although the source of the infection can be found in the vagina or vulva, itching may be felt in and/or around the vagina. Many women even say that their clitoris itches, as well.

The itching sensation is often intense, and when women give in to the urge to scratch, it can inflame the area. The scratching can feel increasingly painful as the area becomes more and more inflamed.

2. Sex is Painful Instead of Pleasurable.

If your yeast infection has caused you swelling, then the swelling can worsen with intercourse, and of course, pain often comes with touching anything swollen.

If you’re wondering how sex during a yeast infection might feel, imagine having an open cut and squeezing lemon juice into it. The pain of sex during a yeast infection is similar but much worse because of the constant movement.

Also, if you’ve scratched a lot, causing any tears in your skin or rashes on your skin, the constant movement of intercourse could inflict even more pain on those already sore areas.

Remember that men can get yeast infections, too. They can be passed to your partner during oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Both you and your partner should discuss whether or not you guys plan to have unprotected sex during a yeast infection.

It is advised that couples abstain from sex when one has a yeast infection because the risk of passing it your partner is so high. If sex leads to your partner having an itchy rash on his penis, you have likely passed the infection onto him.

3. It Burns to Pee.

When women have yeast infections, they may experience mild to very painful burning when they urinate. This pain is magnified when the vaginal region is inflamed.

However, because painful urination is such a universal symptom of many infections and STDs, a quick visit to the doctor’s office will let you know for sure if you have a yeast infection.

4. You Don’t Feel Yourself

Of course, when your vagina is baking bread, you aren’t going to be as physically comfortable as you usually are, but there’s also a mental discomfort that comes with having a yeast infection.

Many women don’t feel clean, so they feel embarrassed and think there’s something wrong with them. Rest assured that you aren’t the only woman in the world who has had to deal with an unbalanced pH.

This video will help you see that many women from all over the globe have had a yeast infection and have found ways to overcome it.

Also, when it comes to the physical pain, the itching and burning can be so severe that some women can barely tolerate it.

They miss work and school, and although it sounds extreme, some women have even wished for death because they have never experienced anything like the pain of a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be cleared in no time, however, so death is far from necessary.

5. Discharge Will Be White and Lumpy.

Most women have vaginal discharge throughout the month, such as before and after their menstrual cycles. Women who are familiar with how their discharge normally looks will notice when it’s not appearing as it usually does.

Yeast infection discharge can be watery. Usually, however, it is thick and white. In some women, it is chunky and resembles cottage cheese. Although the discharge doesn’t usually have an odor, it may.

6. Your Lady Parts Will Be Swollen and Sore.

Your vagina and the surrounding areas will be inflamed. Your lady parts will feel very sensitive and may even feel hot or have sores. If you’ve scratched down there a lot, the scratching is most likely the culprit for the sores and soreness.

If you aren’t able, yourself, to take a peek at your v, position a mirror between your legs. This will help you to see if anything appears off. If your vaginal lips appear red and swollen, you might have a yeast infection.

7. Your V Doesn’t Smell As Fresh As It Usually Does.

Pay attention to any new odors arising from your vagina; odors aren’t always due to a sweaty or busy day. There is one common smell to look out for when you think you might have a yeast infection: the smell of yeast.

If the odor of a yeast infection is presenting itself, it will most often smell similar to beer or bread. If you’re experiencing any unusual discharge, it doesn’t hurt to take a quick whiff to try to determine if your discharge is that of a yeast infection.

What Should You Remember When You Have A Yeast Infection?

You don’t have to feel embarrassed about yeast infections, and you should also understand that they are not the end of the world. A yeast infection is simply just another infection, and all infections can be cleared.

However, if you aren’t feeling well enough to attend school or work, take a day off. Take two, if needed, so you can give your body time to expel the infection.

Remember that Yeast Infections are Curable

The important things to take away after experiencing a yeast infection are knowing what caused it and, in the future, taking every measure possible to avoid the cause.

Ensure that you are properly diagnosing the infection, as the symptoms of yeast infections often mimic the symptoms of other infections, such as STDs and bacterial vaginosis.

The burning sensation of yeast infections is usually more intense than that of BV, but if you aren’t sure of which you have, speak to your doctor. She’ll inform you of what is going on and will help you clear up the infection once and for all.

You Can Treat Yeast Infections at Home.

Some women have recurring infections. This is not a fun way to live, but over time, women learn to change things about their lifestyles, and the yeast infections usually stop. There are various solutions to ridding your body of a yeast infection.

Some women change their diets. They opt to eat yogurt daily because it has probiotics that help to keep the vagina healthy. You could also fully coat a tampon with yogurt and insert it into your vagina for about 30 mins.

This method can be a little messy, though, so wipe with a paper towel or some toilet paper after you remove the tampon to remove any excess yogurt.

Women also fight excess candida by eating more garlic. Garlic is known for its potent anti-fungal abilities. Although you can choose to chop garlic and cook it to lessen its bitter taste, consuming it raw will maximize its benefits.

Going commando is also an option. To combat or prevent yeast infections, many women stop wearing underwear or bathing with their normal soap.

Instead, they use a milder soap or simply wash their private areas with warm water. If you decide to wash only with water, remember that the vagina is self-cleaning, so using only water to wash is perfectly fine.

Choose the method of managing yeast infections that you are most comfortable with. If one method doesn’t work, try another or pair multiple methods if you want to minimize even more your chances of having a recurring yeast infection.

What Should You Remember About Yeast Infections?

Remember that getting a yeast infection does not mean that you don’t take good care of your v; it simply means that something stronger than your pH has entered your body.

Know the symptoms of a yeast infection, and speak with your doctor or try out a few home remedies, and your v will be happy and pain-free again in no time.

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