Treating Diseases/Disorders Naturally: Homeopathy Defined

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Homeopathy Defined

Homeopathy is a combination of the art and science of healing through gentle, natural, and safe methods.

The term “homeopathy” stems from two Greek words: “homois,” which means similar and “pathos,” which means suffering. Therefore, homeopathy means “similar suffering.”

Homeopathy works on the “Law of Similars,” which is the principle that “like cures like,” meaning that which causes a disorder will also cure it.

This means that according to the Law of Similars, a substance that causes a set of symptoms in a healthy person will cure those symptoms in an individual who is suffering, when treated with small doses of that substance.

The substance serves to stimulate the healing power of the body and causes a long-lasting, deep cure.

In 450 BC, Hippocrates came up with this concept and it was developed until Dr. Samuel Hahnemann undertook a more scientific examination of it in the 18th century.

According to the principle of homeopathy, if a person is suffering from hay fever with nasal discharge and watery eyes, a homeopathic therapist would be likely to prescribe Allium cepa, which is preparation including a type of onion that is known to cause those same symptoms.

Also, if an individual is suffering from insomnia due to an overactive mind or agitation, a homeopath would be likely to prescribe Coffea, which is a homeopathic preparation of coffee.

Finally, if an individual is suffering from vomiting and nausea, they would receive a homeopathic treatment that included a substance that would typically cause those symptoms in a healthy person if taken in its raw form.

Does Homeopathy Work for Everyone?

While it is true that homeopathic medicine works great for most people, including women who are pregnant and children, it still stands that not everyone will respond to it, even though it’s the best remedy.

Just as with any other treatment, it is important that individuals continue following the prescribed treatment.

However, since symptoms will likely change during the course of treatment, including new or old symptoms appearing, different remedies may be required.

This means that individuals who are not great at keeping up with follow-up care may not get much benefit from homeopathy.

Individuals must actually believe that the treatment will work, even though it might not. So, if you don’t believe that homeopathy is a valid treatment method, it’s probably not for you.

Traditional treatments often offer quick relief of symptoms, though it may not cure the root cause.

Homeopathic medicine on the other hand, takes some time. Individuals must be willing to give at least 6 months to a homeopathic treatment before seeking something else.

It is not for those who expect quick healing of a disorder that has been going on for years, or for those who have no patience.

Finally, homeopathy is definitely not for those individuals who don’t want to take the remedy.

Additionally, it is not for those who intentionally use or refuse to avoid those substances that interfere with homeopathic treatments such as recreational drugs, camphor, coffee, and others.

Side Effects of Homeopathic Treatments

You should know that homeopathic treatments are prepared according to the high safety standards and have been recognized as an alternative and a complementary treatment to conventional treatments.

Treatments used in homeopathy are completely natural, being made from minerals, animal substances, and vegetables.

No medical therapy is 100% safe, but homeopathic medicine does not have any toxic side effects. In some cases, there may be some harmful side effects during the treatment of chronic illnesses.

This simply means that the potency should be adjusted or the remedy should be changed all together.

When they are prescribed correctly, homeopathic treatments are safe even for women who are pregnant or could become pregnant and children.

For around 200 years, these types of treatments have been proven effective and safe in treating conditions both minor and serious, chronic and acute, and even emotional and physical.

Homeopathic treatments also can play a key role in preventing disorders and disease.

How Are Homeopathic Treatments Prepared?

Homeopathic treatments are not called medications, they are called remedies. These remedies are prepared in a specialized pharmacy called a homeopathic pharmacy, using a process of dilution.

Over 2000 substances have been turned into homeopathic remedies. Keep in mind that homeopathy does not translate to herbal medicine.

It is true that many of these homeopathic remedies are made from plants and herbs, they are also made from other things such as chemicals, animal products, and even minerals.

Through the process of dilution, a substance which is toxic in large doses, becomes safe and creates a curing effect if used properly.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are made from natural sources and are used in small amounts.

They are recognized as valid treatments by the US FDA and are non-toxic and when used properly can be safely used in individuals of all ages.

How Exactly Does Homeopathic Medicine Work?

Homeopathic remedies are selected very carefully, depending on the individual, in order to stimulate the natural defense system to promote healing of the mind, body, and spirit without causing any side effects.

Due to the fact that homeopathic treatments are highly diluted, some may believe that they won’t work and don’t want to investigate any further.

Homeopathy works on a level that is beyond the physical and is not understood. Therefore, when skeptics claim that there is nothing to homeopathic medicine, it could be due to the fact that we can’t currently measure the level that it works on.

It isn’t clear exactly how homeopathic medicine works, but more than 200 years of clinical experience, along with research published in some of the big medical journals have proven that these remedies are effective, gentle, and profound.

An individual’s response to a homeopathic remedy is not a placebo effect. The remedies work on animals and children who don’t really understand what a placebo effect is. If it is not chosen properly, a homeopathic remedy will not have an effect on the illness.

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