It is not easy to walk or exercise with a nagging pain in your foot. Some of us are accustomed to a blister that forms after wearing a new shoe that tightly grabs the feet.
The blister that forms is so frustrating and uncomfortable that one feels like removing the shoe even in public.
Although the blister can subside and the pain can fade off as the shoe molds to the shape of the foot, there can be a worse pain that can form on the Achilles heel.
If the pain is left untreated, it can cause a lot of damage, and that is what most of us tend to end up with.
We hold on to the hope that one day, that pain in your foot will just go away by itself. To paint a picture of how most of us ignore foot pain; according to the American Podiatric-Medical Association Survey that was conducted in 2014, only 2 in 10 adults give foot health any great deal of thought.
Since most of us don’t intend to visit a podiatrist for help in the earlier stages, it’s important to book an appointment early enough especially when the pain becomes fleeting.
Now, when the pain becomes reoccurring, you need to break the cycle of “wait and heal” before the pain develops into two types of injuries: micro-trauma ( which occurs after a long while because of overuse), or traumatic (which is a one time injury that happens. Its like a broken bone or a sprained ankle).
Extrinsic factors are the major causes of repetitive stress injuries over time, like intrinsic factors or training errors like biomechanics deficit instability, mobility, and flexibility.
The net effect is abnormal stressors and strains that are in the kinetic chain which can result in an injury if you are not in the capacity of effectively compensating or adapting to these kinds of stressors.
The last thing you want is walking with crutches; this means that you should not discount any foot pain. To help you better understand the pain in your foot and how you should ease any pain to continue making strong steps in your fitness goals, this guide is going to be handy.
Once you have healed, you should plan to visit a trainer or physical therapist to help you get your strength and balance. The objective is to be able to run and walk so that you can properly fit in your new footwear.
What Causes Random Sharp Pain in Foot?
What you need to know about where the heel hurts
Causes of pain
Achilles tendinopathy or plantar fasciitis is the pain that is found in the heel, and it is common with most people.
Plantar fasciitis affects the plantar fascia tissue which holds the connection between the toes and the bone of your heel; this tissue is affected by inflammations and pain.
One of the major causes of Achilles tendinopathy is intense workouts. According to Always Fysio, athletes are the most common to incur Achilles tendonitis.
When these workouts are often done, quickly, and with little rest between the workouts, they can cause damage easily on the plantar fascia.
If you start to feel pain in your heel, you can do some home exercises for plantar fasciitis pain relief which are well described in the video below:
What you need to know about where the arch hurts
Causes of pain
There are several causes that are common; they include wearing shoes that are un-supportive, adding weight, overuse of shoes or an acute injury that is often attributed to strain or inflammation from plantar fasciitis.
To know that you have an arch pain, you will feel pain shooting through your arches especially when you are taking your first step in the morning from your bed.
When the pain persists for several consecutive days, you need to visit a doctor to prevent the condition from getting worse. Additionally, the doctor will assess the shoes you are using for jogging or exercising.
What you need to know about where the top of the foot hurts
Cause of the pain
If you start to pick up a new activity that is strenuous to your foot, your foot will be at risk of getting a stress fracture.
For instance, if you start increasing the weights you are doing for your leg workouts, or you increase the mileage for a race training, or you get involved to a sport that highly involves the feet like tennis, your feet will be stressed out.
Once this happens, you will be more prone to a stress fracture that happens inside and outside of the foot.
At first, you may not experience a stress fracture. In one area, you may start experiencing general pain on the top part of your foot that gets worse, and it may cause swelling.
The worse part is that most people can even go for months without noticing that they have a stress fracture.
To make sure that you are in the right shape, anytime you feel pain in your legs, go to your doctor for some tests which will include an MRI scan.
The MRI scan will detect any miniature bone fracture that an X-ray may not; since MRI’s are stronger than X-rays according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
The causes of pain that are nerve related
Nerve damage causes a nerve pain that can result in trauma or irritation. In some cases, there are conditions that affect the nerves that can cause a lot of pain in the nerves. Let us look at some of these conditions:
What you need to know about Nerve entrapment or pinched nerves
According to Gray chiropractic, this is a condition that can easily be a source of pain in the foot.
It can affect the foot on any part, and it can also affect both feet simultaneously. One cause of nerve entrapment in the foot is trauma. A burning feeling or shooting can easily be caused by pinched nerves.
Morton’s Neuroma
Morton neuroma is a condition that occurs when the nerve thickens in between the middle toes. When this happens, it causes a shooting or burning pain that may develop into a throbbing or stabbing pain when pressure is in this area.
According to Mortons Neuroma website, this condition occurs in women who dress in high heels or narrow shoes.