How does cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment work?

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How does cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment work

Pain in the upper back around the cervical area can make life difficult. Many people seek cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment with complaints of shooting pains down their arms and legs while sitting, which prevents them from working too. The pain can be extreme.

The spondylosis can be caused by a bulging disk or bone spurs. Both can cause pinched nerves and the spurs can even cut through the protective sheaf of the nerve bundles.

Cervical spondylosis is considered to be a progressive degenerative condition. It affects people 40 and over, but is beginning to show up more and more in younger generations.

Why do people get spondylosis?

Cervical and lumbar spondylosis is often considered to be forms of osteoarthritis. In both Ayurvedic medicine and Western Medicine, one of the primary reasons that people begin to develop spondylosis is poor nutrition, poor posture and lack of mobility.

It is sometimes called the “Sitting Disease” as sitting for long periods of time, such as at a desk, can increase your risk for it, or increase your suffering from the condition.

More people who are younger than 40 are starting to be diagnosed with cervical spondylosis because they are living a more sedentary life than ever before.

While usually considered a disease of the middle-aged and elderly, it is getting more common for 20 and 30 year old to develop the disease due to inactivity and poor lifestyle habits.

What is the cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment for it?

If there is one word that can define the cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment it would be “yoga.” The core of the treatment is focused on reintroducing a range of movement to the affected area to reduce the hardening of the cartilage and push the body back into alignment.

Massage with maharani oil is also recommended, as well as a full course of herbs and Ayurvedic medicines. You will also make dietary adjustments as well to make sure that the doshas are kept in balance.

Why would this work?

Study after study has shown that the worst thing that you can do for any type of osteoarthritis is to stop moving the area. If you stop moving, the joints and muscle begin to freeze and atrophy.

This is very hard to tolerate with spondylosis because the bone spurs can pinch nerves and cut as well.

With careful management of movement, you can keep a full range of motion while also using the diet and medicines to improve your circulation and detoxifying support systems to allow your body to recover faster – which all works together to reduce your pain.

The benefits of cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment

The main benefit of following the prescribed treatment is that it begins to return normalcy to your life. As you regain health and flexibility, you also begin to increase your resiliency physically, emotionally and mentally.

Chronic pain can seriously impact your entire life, and not just in what you can physically do. The holistic approach of Ayurveda addresses all of the aspects of what makes a person’s quality of life.

The cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment doesn’t just focus on the back area with the pain and stiffness, it goes beyond to look at and address other imbalances in your life to also correct how the spondylosis is causing problems in areas you wouldn’t think it would be associated with.

A holistic approach looks at curing the quality of a person’s life, not just the current problem they are experiencing.

The disadvantages of cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment

Many people try cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment and give up on it because they encounter what may be the single greatest disadvantage of the modality – it requires effort, commitment and participation.

The prescription calls for daily and weekly practices, as well as permanent dietary changes. Some people are not in a position where they are willing to make changes to a lifestyle that may be contributing to their problem in the first place.

A lot of this stems from the reasons that will determine whether or not Ayurvedic treatment is right for you.

How do you know if it is right for you?

If you are trying to decide is cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment is a path you should follow you should consider several things. The first is how committed you are to regaining your movement and being free from pain? While that sounds like a simple question to answer, it isn’t.

In the West, we have been socially and culturally trained that when we are in pain it is someone else’s job to fix it. We go see doctors to get a prescription that requires us only to swallow something and be patient for a few days in order to feel better.

Ayurvedic medicine takes a much different view of the involvement the patient has in their care – mostly because it isn’t seen as “care” but the person’s life. There is an expectation of active participation in Ayurvedic treatment that is missing from Western care.

If you can’t commit, or are unwilling to commit to changing your lifestyle habits to include recommendations and practices for cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment, then this may not be the right avenue for you to pursue.

Going beyond the symptom

The other difference in approach between a Western and Ayurvedic treatment is that in the West the focus is on eradicating the symptom, while Ayurvedic is focused on removing the cause.

This means that the relief you get from cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment may not be as swift as taking a pain medication, but over the course of time – when you would still have to be taking that medication because the pain hadn’t gone away, you would start to see a permanent decrease in symptoms with the cervical spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment as the cause of the spondylosis is corrected.

Talk to your doctor, talk to an Ayurvedic practitioner and think through what you can realistically commit to before choosing one treatment or another.

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