Your back can cause a great deal of pain and this is why it is important to understand how you can protect your back from injuries and pain.
Back pain can be debilitating and can lead to missed time off work. Here are 9 ways that you can protect your back
Start Moving Around
You can walk, swim, or even cycle. These activities will help to strengthen the muscles in your back.
The stronger your back muscles are the more likely you are to be able to prevent back injuries. Find an activity that you enjoy and take part in it on a regular basis.
Work Towards Better Posture
Another way to help protect your back is to practice proper posture. You should not slump or hunch over when you are sitting down.
If you sit often you should also look for a chair that is able to offer your great support for your lower back.
Your posture needs to be at its best with everything you do from sitting to standing.
Light The Load
Make sure that you avoid carrying bags that are too heavy as the can put your back under strain.
You should also make sure if you are carrying a heavy bag that you are not placing it only over one shoulder because this will not equally distribute the weight.
Check Your Mattress
The mattress that you have needs to work for you. It should be the right size for your weight and your height.
The mattress also needs to be in good condition and it should be soft but still supportive. If you find that your back hurts in the morning it is probably time to get another mattress.
Take A Break From Heels
If you wear heels you might need to consider taking a break. When you wear them your body weight is pushed forward and this can cause problems with the muscles in your back.
High heels look great and make your legs look longer but you can find a nice pair of flats that are stylish and save your heels only for special occasions.
Eat Healthy Foods
Small changes in your diet will help you lose weight and this will help with the stress that is put on your back muscles.
A great start is to increase your water intake as this can really help your body to feel better. You don’t need to make drastic changes it can be the little changes that really pay off.
Use A Hula-Hoop
A hula-hoop can be fun and help your back. The reason for this is because it helps your core muscles and this helps to strengthen the muscles while also offering you a lot of fun.
You can do this with your family as an activity that can help you all have fun together while protecting everyone’s back.
Lift Properly
When you have to lift you should not bend at your waist but instead, you should kneel or squat. You also need to make sure that the object you are carrying is held close to your body.
If you lift with your back instead of your legs you are likely to find that you will injure yourself.
If you don’t know how to lift correctly you should ask your doctor at your next appointment. This is extremely important.
Get Out Of Bed Correctly
Many people just get out of bed however they are used to without thinking about the possibility of injuring their backs.
To protect your back when getting out of bed you should roll on your side, then you should get in the upright position by pushing with your hands.
Next, you want to swing your legs over so they are hanging. Finally, use your legs as well as your arms to get in a standing position.
If you keep these 9 simple tips in mind you are sure to find that your back feels much better.
Not only will it feel better but you will also find that you will not get injured as often.
As you work to make these habits in your life you will no longer have to worry about whether you are doing it correctly it will instead become more like second nature.
Your back is important if it gets injured it can certainly put you down for a few days and a bad back injury can put you down ever longer.
Make sure you take care of your back in every way possible as this will help you now and in the future.