PMS, or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, is a condition affecting millions of women of all ages. In fact, it affects all women at least once in their life.
With this condition comes irritability, cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, food cravings and a slew of undesirable symptoms.
The condition usually occurs before the menstrual cycle, but it can also occur during the onset of the cycle as well as after it has ended.
Dealing with PMS can be downright terrifying, but there are a number of ways that you can find to relieve the PMS symptoms once and for all.
Take a look at these 8 incredible ways that you can reduce the PMS symptoms and regain your life.
1. Consume Calcium
Calcium keeps the bones and teeth healthy and strong, but did you know that calcium can also serve many other purposes as well, including reduction of PMS symptoms? It is true!
Research suggests that consuming a total of 1200 mg of calcium each day reduces the signs and symptoms of PMS is considerable number.
For women calcium is very important to consume in the first place, and now there is yet another great reason to consume it.
2. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise will help you stay in shape and gain more confidence about yourself. But regular exercise will also help eliminate PMS while also lowering the stress that you feel and also eliminating some of the many diseases that women are prone to, including cancer and heart disease. Get active and discover what it can do for you.
3. Increase Vitamin E Intake
It can take as little as 600 IU of Vitamin E each day to help eliminate the symptoms of PMS. Vitamin E protects the cardiovascular system as well as can provide users with a number of other exciting benefits as well. This includes helping to relive all of the signs and symptoms of PMS in their place.
4. Change your Diet
There are some foods that are known to increase the signs and symptoms of PMS and those are foods that should be avoided when you feel that you are bothered with the condition.
You should avoid alcohol consumption when dealing with PMS, as well as eliminate salty foods and caffeine from the diet.
There are also a number of foods that you should add to the diet to help reduce the PMS symptoms. Make sure hat you make these changes to receive the biggest benefits possible.
5. Add Magnesium
Magnesium can help reduce some of the sugar cravings that come along when PMS strikes. A diet which includes 300 to 500 mg of magnesium is beneficial in PMS.
And, it can also ease other PMS symptoms, too, including bloating and breast tenderness. Many different magnesium-rich foods are out there. Take a look at those and add them to your diet.
6. OTC Pain relievers
Although OTC pain relievers do not work for all women, for many they do, providing quick relief of the pain and discomfort of PMS.
With the right OTC medications some of the other symptoms of PMS can also be reduced or eliminated.
There are a number of medications that are designed specifically to target PMS, affordable priced and highly effective for most people.
7. Oral Contraceptives
If you are interested in using oral contraceptives to help treat PMS symptoms you will need to make an appointment with your doctor.
This is not a solution that will work for every woman, and there are both pros and cons associated with the use of the contraceptives to eliminate PMS.
Take a look at the entire pros and cons package before making a decision. You should also talk to the doctor about the use of oral contraceptives to prevent PMS.
He can provide you with the benefits and disadvantages and help determine whether or not this is an idea that will work for you.
8. Rest
Sometimes it is nothing more than rest and allowing it to pass that works the best. Try using cool compresses and lay with pillows and blankets to get rest if it is possible.
With these 8 tips you can begin fighting the signs and the symptoms of PMS so it is not something that is bothering you when it does not have to.
It may very well be that a combination of these treatments will work the best for you. No matter what treatment you feel is most studied for your needs, ensure that you look at all of your options.