13 Foods to Avoid if You Have IBS

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If you suffer from IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, chances are you will want to do everything that you can to avoid these problems from occurring.

Dealing with IBS is definitely not a lot of fun, but you can avoid some types of foods to help make your symptoms fewer and far between.

13 Foods to Avoid if You Have IBS

Here are a few foods that you may want to steer clear of if you really want to make sure that you don’t have the painful side effects that come along with IBS.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away; unless you have IBS. One of the world’s healthiest fruits is off-limits when IBS is a concern. The delicious fruit is loaded in the sugars sorbitol and fructose, both of which are hard to digest in the small intestine. This hard digestion usually results in the apples fermenting and gas resulting. Gas is an IBS trigger.


Onions really add flavor to many foods, but they’re also high in fructose. There are options, however, which include substituting onions with garlic cloves or using onion powder.


Pears are also bad for you to consume when affected by IBS. It is, like the apple, high in fructose and sorbitol and cause many different problems with IBS. Keep them off the menu and opt for other fresh fruits like papayas instead.


If you are suffering from IBS, you don’t want to eat asparagus. It is well-known as a food that causes gas, and IBS worsens when gas is present. This can bring you a great amount of pain that you will not want to experience.


Peaches are another high-fructose fruit that cannot be consumed during bouts with IBS unless you want to experience gas, bloating and pain. It takes many hours for fructose to digest when you have IBS and this can be hours of pain. Peaches are delicious but not worth the torture.

Brussels Sprouts

High in fructans, Brussels sprouts are yet another avoidable item in the menu when you are bothered by IBS. Eating Brussels sprouts can cause discomfort in the abdomen as they stand the chance of fermenting in bacteria inside of the intestines.


Avocados are delicious but you will not be able to enjoy them if you are affected with IBS. There is a large amount of sorbitol in avocado which means you shouldn’t eat them.

Although avocados in small amounts may be okay, you will want to avoid eating them often or in large quantity.


Broccoli is high in fiber, and it can lead to some severe gas and bloating.  These are common IBS symptoms, so it makes sense that eating more broccoli would cause some more issues.  If you really just love broccoli, why not try steaming it first, because it isn’t as harsh that way!

Green Peppers

Green peppers are really hard to digest and they can  cause bloating and stomach pain from time to time. Red peppers are a better option, because they are essentially green peppers that have ripened and they are easier on the stomach. It may be a good idea for you to make the switch.


Corn is high in fiber and sugar, which can cause bloating. Believe it or not, if you really like corn, you can eat more processed corn- such as creamed corn- and it won’t have nearly the effects as fresh corn.  I know that it may seem hard to believe, but its true.


While beans are high in protein and fiber, which is usually a good thing- they can also lead to bloating.  So, while they may be nutritious, the symptoms that they result in may make them not worth it to you. Both  fresh and dried beans should be avoided for optimal results with your diet.


Like beans, lentils are also hard to digest. They can be found in many soups, meat alternatives, and other foods.  They will usually  lead to increased bloating and other digestive issues, even though they are healthy for you. This is why you may want to stay away from them.


Cooking with butter is not only bad for you from a health standpoint, but it is also bad for stomach. It can increase your IBS symptoms and really just make matters a whole lot worse.  Try cooking with cooking spray instead of adding a whole lot of fat to your diet.


Creamy cheeses are really the worst for you, while  hard cheeses are better for your stomach and easier for you to digest.  All fresh cheese can cause you to have IBS symptoms that are worse than usual.

Pizza is loaded with cheese- but if you get light cheese it may be a better option.  There are other foods that have a lot of cheese that you can use healthier alternatives to make it easier for you to eat.


Dairy products, like milk and cream can be especially harsh on your stomach if you have IBS.  This is especially true if you are lactose intolerant, which many people with IBS are. They can prove to be a trigger for some people, which means you should avoid them.

Sometimes, you have to avoid all types of dairy, while some people may only find that milk causes their symptoms to flare up. You really just have to try out some things and see what triggers your symptoms so that you can know to avoid it.

Ice Cream

Like milk, ice cream causes some pretty serious stomach issues for those with IBS.  It is made up of dairy, namely milk, and can really cause you to have an upset stomach. This is even more so for those that also have lactose intolerance, which is much like the same result milk causes.


Drinking coffee can dehydrate your body because it is full of caffeine.  This can lead to diarrhea and other stomach issues. Tea may be a better option for those that really need their caffeine fix and aren’t willing to give it up.


Drinking can really cause you to have some serious IBS symptoms.  Avoid it completely for the best results. If you are out with people that want to drink, you can opt for a non alcoholic beverage instead to avoid the upset stomach later.


Spices may be able to add a lot of flavor to your dishes, but they are generally harder to digest.  You may really enjoy certain spices, but most find that they are not worth the trouble in the long run. Spicy food is also not a good idea, so you might want to skip on the hot peppers on your next food order!

Fast Food

Perhaps one of the most important foods to avoid is fast food. It is just filled with fat and other ingredients that you really don’t have much control over at all.

The fat content is off the charts, which means that it can really upset your stomach. You don’t know what all is in the food either, in most cases, which makes it more difficult for you to really determine your true triggers.

This is why so many people just choose to avoid fast food altogether when they are dealing with an IBS flare up. After all, there are much better food options for you to choose from, even if you are on the go!

As you can see, there are definitely a few things that you should keep out of your diet if you have IBS. Dealing with IBS is not easy, but when you know what foods trigger your symptoms and you can stay away from them, it makes it a whole lot easier on you.

It may be a good idea for you to keep a food journal to help you determine what types of food you should steer clear of.  It can definitely help you when it comes to feeling better and being healthier.

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