Research shows that nearly everyone will have some sort muscle soreness at some point in their life. In fact, pain is the main reason why people stay home from work and it’s why so many people visit orthopedic doctors each year.
The pain from sore, stiff muscle can range anywhere from a mild ache to an excruciating pain that can radiate to other parts of your body.
When the pain is this severe it can cause a person to have an increase in stress, fatigue and can possibly limit their mobility.
This added stress can weaken the immune system, which makes a person more susceptible to infections.
A lot of the muscle soreness that we experience is often caused by our activities, nutrition, and lack of proper fluids.
There are things that we can do to stop the muscle soreness from occurring. There are also things we can to alleviate the horrible pain when it strikes. I will explain in the following paragraphs.
What Makes My Muscles Ache?
Sometimes it’s our lack of certain vitamins that cause us to have sore muscles. Some of the most common nutritional deficiencies,often seen with people who have achy muscles; are potassium, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin D, K, E, C and the B vitamins.
Dehydration can cause muscle soreness. This usually occurs when we sweat a lot or had vomiting diarrhea. This is why it’s important to drink plenty of water and drinks containing electrolytes, when we are sick and after strenuous activities.
People often have muscle soreness after they work out. At one time sore muscles were thought to be the sign of a good workout, but now this theory is no longer thought to be true.
In fact, over working muscles actually harms your muscles instead of helping them. It’s very important that you work out,to keep your muscles strong and healthy, but do so in moderation.
When you work out, warm up your muscles before you begin and cool down afterwards. This too will stop you from having sore muscles. Make sure you wear proper footwear when you exercise.
Maintain a healthy weight is important, because for every extra pound you put on, your adding 4 lbs. of pressure on your joints. So watch what you eat and start an exercise regimen.
Lifting something wrong, or that’s too heavy can cause muscle pain. When you lift, please use proper body mechanics. I will explain. First you should make sure you can lift the object safely without injuring yourself.
You can do this by lifting one corner of the object. If you can lift safely, place your feet shoulder length apart, one slightly in front of the other and squat down.Get as close as you can to the object.
Never reach out for the item and never bend. Lift the object up using your leg and arm muscles, back straight. Holding the object close, carry it to the destination. Gently lower the object in front of you, don’t twist.
Poor posture can cause sore muscles. So stand up straight, head up,shoulders back. When you sit place both feet on the floor, with your back against the back of the chair.
Use pillows for back support, if you need to. If you have to sit for long periods of time, stand up, move around every so often. Even stretching in your chair will help relieve some of the pressure on your back.
10 Ways to Stop Muscle Pain
If sore muscles occur there are things you can do to alleviate the pain. I’ve listed the top 10 below. Some people find that soaking in a nice hot bath helps sore muscles. I like to use scented oils like jasmine, or lavender in my bath, they help relieve stress.
If you don’t want to soak in a tub, warm moist heat also helps. Warm a towel in the microwave for a few seconds.
Make sure it isn’t too hot, place it on the sore muscles. Ice to the sore muscle helps reduce swelling, which will help reduce the pain. If you apply ice don’t apply it directly to the skin. Only leave it on for 20 minutes at a time with a half hour break between.
Sometimes getting up and stretching your muscles will relieve some of the pain. If it is a sore extremity the doctor often advises RICE that is rest, ice compression and elevation.
Massages work out the soreness in your muscles. This is especially true when you’re using warm herbal oils like Rosemary, skullcap, wintergreen, juniper, rose, and kava.
Some find that acupuncture helps relieve muscle pain. Yet others turn to yoga, meditation, relaxing and deep breathing. These techniques relax the body, which will decrease stress fatigue and pain.
Over the Counter Relief
There are over the counter medicines that will help relieve the pain. Some of the non-steroid anti-inflammatory include Motrin, naproxen and Aleve.
Tylenol doesn’t stop the swelling, but it reduces the pain. There are a variety of NSAID topical creams on the market. There are lidiocaine patches that can be applied to sore stiff muscles.
Sometimes correcting our nutritional deficiencies will alleviate the pain. It’s suggested to take a multivitamin,COQ10, glucosamine, chondroitin, Omega 3 and Omega 6 every day.
It’s also suggested to eat foods high in boron to help with pain management. Some of the foods with the highest amount of boronare; pecans, prunes, avocado, wine,raisins, grapes, peanuts, and almonds.
Copper also helps with pain management you can find large amounts of copper in seafood, organ meat, nuts, cocoa and bran.
Quick Review
Sore muscles can quickly stop us in our tracks, but there are things we can do when this pain occurs.
We can soak in a hot bath, place heat, or ice on the area. We can also try massaging out tension with herbal oil. If our leg muscles are sore, eating a medium size banana might just do the trick.