Myofascial pain syndrome occurs when a tightened up ball of knotted muscle cause sore areas to appear, on a person’s body.
What happens is the nerves inside of these muscles begin firing so rapidly that it causes excruciating pain and stiffness in that area. These areas are known as myofascial trigger points.
The pain from these trigger points intensifies when a person uses that particular area, or when pressure’s applied to the knotted muscles.
These trigger points will continue to create pain and stiffness until the areas relaxed. Once this is accomplished you’ll regain range of motion in that particular area.
These areas can cause pain to radiate to other parts of the body. One example of that would be pain in the lower back that continues to shoot down your buttocks and leg.
This pain could possibly be so intense that it continues to run all the way down to your ankles, feet and toes. Doctors believe that acute injury’s caused MPS .They also believe repetitive use, straining and stress of specific muscles can cause this disorder to occur.
Make the Pain Go Away
People with MPS use electric massages to help loosen up the knotted areas. There are numerous types on the market. They come in various shapes, sizes and intensities. Others people who suffer with MPS find they get relief with infrared heat.
They use this device to warm up and relax the muscles in the trigger areas. Some find that warming massaging oils helps them get desired relief.
This is especially true when they use oils containing wintergreen and peppermint. Yet others use warm, moist heat on the area. Another treatment option is known as the stretch and spray.
A person will apply some type of coolant like fluorimethane on the sore area. Then they will begin stretching the muscles gently, to work out the knotted area.
My friend uses a hot bath with essential oils to remove the knots, Her other suggestion is using a tennis ball. This is what she recommends you to do.
You should take the tennis ball and places it between a hard object like the wall, or floor. Then place it in an area of your body that’s causing you to have the most pain.
You need to continue to work the ball around the area until you find the exact spot. Now put just enough pressure on the area to work out the knot.
When you have the right amount of pressure, you’ll notice your muscles start easing up, usually within a few minutes. Of course the amount of time it takes depends on the size of the knot.
Make sure you don’t apply so much pressure that it causes your pain to worsen and you’re unable to relax.
Once your pain has eased up, follow up with warm, moist heat and then you should gentle stretch the muscles. It’s suggested to only do a few areas at one time, starting with the worst one first.
It’s also suggested not to strain this muscle for at least a day after the therapy. This type of treatment stretches the area, which stops the nerves from causing the muscles to tense up and spasm. It also disperses the inflammation, that’s collected inside your soft tissue.
Of course, there are over the counter medicine,s like the non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents, NSAIDS. Some of them include naproxen and ibuprofen. There’s also acetaminophen like Tylenol.
Long term use of these pain relievers can cause harmful side effects to occur, so take them in moderation.
What You Eat Can Decrease Your Pain
Doctors also recommend to eat right, include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These natural foods are packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants.
They also suggest to take a multivitamin every day. The reasons for these suggestions is people with myofascial pain often have a depletion of vitamins and minerals.
Some of the vitamins include; vitamin A, E, D3 B vitamins, pantothenic acid, folic acid and niacin. Some of the depleted minerals include; copper magnesium, selenium, sink, manganese.
People who suffer with myofscial pain also tend to have a deficiency of anti-inflammatory and antitoxins in their body.
So in addition to eating healthy and a multivitamin, they suggest a person take Glucosamine, chondroitin, resveratrol, ginger root extract and methylsufonylmethane.
It’s also suggested to take grape seed extract, quercertin, EPA, DHA, omega 3 and GLA. Of course boron’s shown to decrease the pain. You can find boron in any food group that originated from a plant, or in a supplement form.
Other Helpful Suggestions
Doctors suggest you stay away from caffeine and nicotine. Both are central nervous system stimulants, which intensify the pain.
Experts also suggest that you get plenty of rest, because overworked muscles will cause further pain. Of course your pain level will increase, when you become more tired and fatigued, throughout the day. So it might be good idea to take a short nap.
They suggest you do appropriate exercises every day. This will increase the serotonin and other endorphins found in your brain. This increase will help you to handle the pain better.
It’s also advised that a person with MPS decrease their stress levels and make sure to give yourself plenty of relaxation time. You can try meditation, yoga, listening to music, perhaps a nice long soak in a tub, using your favorite scented oils.
Summing it up
Myofasial pain’s caused when muscles knot up. This pain can radiate down to other parts of your body, which makes it that much harder on the sufferer.
There are things you can do at home to alleviate the pain. Some of them include; electronic massages, infra-red heat, massaging oils, warm moist heat, and hot baths in your favorite scented oils.
Some even suggest using a tennis ball to relieve the pain. Doctors also suggest eating right and taking various supplements to help ease the pain. They also suggest to exercise, reduce stress and use relaxation techniques.