What Is Cervicalgia? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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Millions of people are familiar with the insufferable pain of cervicalgia, a specific form of neck pain. While not all forms of neck pain are diagnosed as cervicalgia, this is often the case.

This particular condition arises from a number of discernible causes. Hence, the diagnostic process associated with this disease tends to be fairly standardized and simple.

Gravity is one of many developmental factors behind cervicalgia. Remarkably, the neck balances the human head, which averages at least 10 pounds.

Maintaining a straightened, erect head can prove physically unpleasant to some and exert a noticeable strain on the neck region.

The stress that neck muscles undertake each day can give rise to a form of muscle fatigue.

Furthermore, a neck’s relative flexibility impacts its overall level of resiliency. For considerably less flexible necks, an individual may suffer a muscle strain after an abrupt movement.


Typically, the symptoms of cervicalgia include a centralized pain that is localized to a specific area.

Sometimes, the symptoms will manifest as a form of muscle stiffness in the neck, which obstructs subsequent movements.

Severe neck pain also typifies this condition, especially when a sufferer makes sudden movements.

Normally, during relaxed physical states, the pain dissipates. However individuals with cervicalgia may not suffer pain, but merely muscle stiffness instead.

In severe cases, however, one’s neck may be hypersensitive to even the most sensitive touch.

The symptoms noted above conform to the profile of classic cervicalgia. However, additional symptoms may include headaches, neck stiffness, aching, and burning sensations.


Cervicalgia has a number of different causes. In many cases, a traumatic injury will cause this disease to arise, especially in cases of a car accident or sports injury.

If you suffer from back trauma, consult with a medical professional in order to fully delve into the details of your condition.

Allowing such a condition to go untreated can affect irreversible results that may leave one subject to disability or a lack of mobility.

Other Forms Of Neck Pain

Neck pain, as noted, does not exclusively fit the profile for cervicalgia in all cases.

For example, whiplash refers to a neck strain that produced tiny tears in the neck muscle fibers. This can produce both muscle tightness and swelling, as well.

These tears often repair themselves with adequate rest and relaxation. Usually, the trapezius and the levator muscles fall prey to these tears during whiplash.

Stress also possesses a sizable link with neck pain, as it tends to accumulate in the shoulders and neck.

During stressful occurrences, some people unconsciously contract those areas of the body.

For this reason, ergonomics is absolutely key. The manner in which you sit and operate daily tasks can give rise to this condition.

Kyphosis, also referred to as cervical posture syndrome, impacts athletes in most cases.

Abnormal posture is responsible for the development of neck pain in such athletes.

In other cases, tight muscles can deprive the neck of oxygen and reduce blood flow, thereby producing neck pain.



Many treatments are available for neck pain. Cervicalgia, for instance, is treated according to the symptoms present.

Upon receiving your initial injury, you must ice the area, and consult your doctor right away.

Sometimes, treatments are administered in the form of anti-inflammatory, prescription strength medications, and painkillers.

Cervical collars can also provide foundational support for the neck and allow the neck muscles to rest and recover.

If your neck pain results from stress, engage in mediation, an enjoyable activity, or a use a heating pad on the localized area.

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Various precautions can be taken to mitigate the presence of these symptoms. For example, ensure that you have an ergonomic chair that supports your lower back.

Ensure that your feet are placed on the floor at a flat angle, with your knees at a right angle.

With regard to your armrests, make sure that your elbows and forearms are placed on the armrests of the chair. You may consider adjusting your table if it is too high.

Kyphosis, the condition that mainly affects athletes, simply requires regular stretching and massage, in an effort to relax and soothe the muscles of the neck area.

Strengthening your neck and upper back muscles can also mitigate these symptoms. Quite often, sitting in a position for a particular duration can exacerbate the issue.

If you suffer from cervicalgia, you may suffer relentless symptoms, regardless of the cause behind your neck pain.

If rest, medications, as well as hot and cold packs, fail to remedy the issue, consult a physician. This is a vital step because unremitting pain or discomfort may signal something more serious, or an undiagnosed condition that requires attention.

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