What are the causes and treatments for irritable bowel disease (IBD)?

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symptoms of inflammation of the intestines

Inflammation of the intestines is most commonly known under the clinical name of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). Within the diagnosis of IBD there are two different types of inflammation of the intestines that can occur, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

While there is a difference between the two conditions, they share many of the same symptoms and will raise the risk for the afflicted person for additional complications and potential cancers.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the intestines?

When the intestines become inflamed it can lead to abdominal cramping, diarrhea and uncontrollable urges for a bowel movement.

This is often accompanied by weight loss, irritability, fever, loss of appetite, anemia due to blood loss from bloody diarrhea. The blood is shed due to the inflammation on the walls of the intestines.

Inflammation of the intestines can affect the upper or lower intestinal tract. With ulcerative colitis, it will show up mostly in irritation to the large intestine.

In Crohn’s disease, the inflammation can happen in both intestines and along any part of the digestive path from the entry point of the mouth to the exit point of the anus.

What are the risks of having inflammation of the intestines?

Inflammation of the intestines, as ulcerative colitis or as Crohn’s disease, carries serious long term risk for the individual. The constant state of diarrhea can lead to a radical loss of nutrients and weight loss, which loss of appetite also contributes to.

The potential for anemia caused by loss of blood in the stool also compromises a person’s ability to maintain a healthy autoimmune system.

Inflammation of the intestines is considered to be an autoimmune disorder that complicated by potential interactions with foods and items that can also contain an element of being an allergic reaction.

For this reason, one of the most important aspects of treatment for inflammation of the intestines is to change both diet and lifestyle.

Chronic ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are also associated with a higher risk for certain cancers. It can also lead to a permanent narrowing of the intestinal tract, or a dangerous enlargement of the large intestine called Toxic Megacolon.

Is there an official diet to follow?

While there isn’t an officially endorsed diet for those suffering from inflammation of the intestines, it is common knowledge that there are 13 foods that you should avoid if your have IBS.

One of the most important foods to avoid is actually a drink; anything with alcohol can cause serious flare-ups and make your condition worse. Other foods include the “nightshade” vegetables (such as peppers) and dairy products.

It is suspected that there is also a link between gluten and inflammation of the intestines, which may be one reason why alcohol is such a trigger. Most alcohol has a high concentration of gluten in it, although there are gluten-free drinks available.

What causes it and who is at risk?

Inflammation of the intestines is considered to be an autoimmune disorder. While there is no known specific cause it has been related to hereditary propensity, trauma and illness or mediation induced inflammation.

It is considered to be an equal opportunity disorder and strikes men, as well as women, across all gender and age groups.

One thing that is thought to raise your risk for developing it is being lactose or gluten intolerant. Gluten intolerance, especially celiac disease, that is not well managed can easily develop irritable bowel syndrome as a side problem.

How do they test for it?

Generally a stool sample is examined and you may have to have a bariatric x-ray to properly determine whether or not you have inflammation of the intestines. If the tissues around the anus are irritated or inflamed a biopsy may be performed as well.

It is also common for a doctor to ask you to keep a bowel diary for a period of time so they can eliminate temporary conditions induced by stress, illness or medication from the presence of a more serious inflammation.

What are the treatments for inflammation of the bladder?

Depending on the severity of the inflammation of the intestines there are several different options available. Medication is usually prescribed in a stepped procedure because most of the disorder can be resolved through correcting diet and lifestyle habits.

Medications may be used to relieve symptoms, decrease diarrhea and reduce bleeding. If you have an associated infection of the tissues around the anus you may also be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Surgery may occasionally be needed if the condition has been present for so long that it has caused a narrowing or widening of the colon that creates a danger to your health.

In most cases, dietary changes are sufficient to control the symptoms even if the condition is never completely cured.

How will my doctor treat me for Irritable Bowel Disorder or Syndrome?

Once your doctor has diagnosed you as having inflammation of the intestines they will begin to work to find the right treatment for you. While there is no known cure, there are many treatments that can provide effective relief.

While you are working to find the correct treatment for your condition, you will also be engaged in self-management and self-management practices to reduce the impact that a chronic inflammation of the intestineshas had on your life.

Very often, with proper stress management practices, the need for medications can be radically reduced as discomfort and pain are relieved. A change to your dietary habits will also be necessary to reduce the inflammation.

Should I try the home remedies before seeing my doctor?

If you are suffering from inflammation of the intestines you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

While there are many home remedies that can help to relieve the inflammation you need to make sure that the issue has not developed complications.

You can immediately adopt a gluten-free diet and work on stress reducing techniques to relieve your symptoms while waiting to see a doctor for diagnosis.

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