Pulmonary disease is a type of condition of the respiratory system which is characterized by chest pain, hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea or abhorrent sounds.
Its symptoms include some anxiety along with arm and shoulder ache, the calf of the leg mat face some tenderness and face may be swelling, severe headache. The person may face hoarseness, the joint pain too.
There are many Diagnostic methods for these kinds of disease like bronchoscopy, serological, biochemical and cytological examination of secretions of bronchial.
Pulmonary function tests, as well as radiography of bronchial muscles.
The pulmonary respiratory disease is a result of a reduction in the size of passage tube of air that causes the air flow.
This may result from bronchospasm, edema of the mucosa of bronchial muscles. Excessive bronchial secretions may also cause this.
The character of the disease is to reduce the dexpiratory rate of slow and increased total capacity of the lung. The pulmonary respiratory disease can be both acute and chronic in nature.
The acute type is more common than chronic but even the acute type of pulmonary disease causes a lot of pain and suffering the patients.
Sometimes due to neglect the acute type of pulmonary respiratory diseases can grow into chronic in nature and in critical cases the chronic types of pulmonary disease can occur.
Examples of Acute respiratory diseases are asthma, bronchitis, and bronchiectasis. And examples of chronic obstructive diseases areemphysema, chronic bronchitis.
Patients with obstructive diseases may have an acute respiratory failure from any respiratory stress.
The main causes of restrictive respiratory disease are those which may cause expansion of lungs, like fibrothoraax or adhesion of two layers of pleura.
Obesity may also cause blockage of the respiratory path. People may face in difficulty in taking a breath if they had an operation of lung tissue in near past.
Women who are pregnant also face the same issue because of decreased in the size of the lung due to pressure from other muscles.
The most common cause for facing pulmonary disease is smoking cigarettes and cigars.
The lungs muscles are not designed to intake the gases produced from smoking and excessive presence of the smoke can cause the smoker to get the pulmonary disease.
The main symptoms of pulmonary disease are:
- Caught.
- Shortness of breath.
- Exacerbation.
- Other respiratory symptoms.
Caught: The first symptom that the disease starts to show are very frequent caught along with lots of mucus and in certain critical cases, the mucus may constitute blood.
When the rate of caught become very abnormal the person should get very serious about it because any early negligence may lead into a disaster.
Too much frequent caught can also be a symptom of cancer and if the cancer is not detected very early, it may lead to death too.
Shortness of breath: when a person smokes a lot, the person starts to get shortness of breath a lot, which may because of either cancer of another type of pulmonary disease.
Exacerbation: This is the symptom of an acute type of pulmonary disease. In Exacerbation the person starts to face increasing shortness of breath and they may also face an increase in production of sputum. The colour of sputum may change from clear to green and even light yellow.
This is a clear indication that the person might be facing Exacerbation and an immediate action must be taken in order to stay away from getting any pulmonary disease.
Other symptoms: The diseased person may face a tightness in the chest. This sign is not so prominent the other signs and in most of the cases, this leads to another type of diseases.
The main causes for causes for getting the pulmonary disease are
- Smoking.
- Air pollution.
- Occupational hazards.
- Genetics.
- Others.
- Exacerbations.
Smoking: The most common cause of getting the pulmonary disease and lung cancer is smoking. It does not matter that a person is smoking a single citrate or a pack of cigarette every day.
The tissue of throat and lungs are not designed for smoking purpose and hence the person may get cancer or pulmonary diseases from it.
Air pollution: According to a study, a person living in polluted city intake about 5 mg of dirty particles every day. It is same as smoking 3 cigarettes every day.
It is not a surprise that people living in cities are more prone to the pulmonary disease due to this reason.
Spending too much time outside may lead to intake of a large volume of polluted air and this may result in asthma, respiratory problem and in cases of critical nature, this may cause lung cancer too.
Occupational hazards: People who work in a smoke prone zone are more susceptible to getting smoke into their lungs.
Traffic police and people who work in glass factories or workshops are most prone to smoke coming from different sources and they get affected by the smoke coming from cars, chemicals and burning of hot gases.
Even after wearing gas masks, it is not possible to nullify the effect of smoke. Even a small amount of smoke intake everyday may result in pulmonary disease.
Genetics: People who have a history of pulmonary disease into the family are more prone to getting the disease due to heredity reasons.
Asthma is a very common example of getting pulmonary disease due to genetically reasons.
The child may start to show the sign of a respiratory problem from an early age or the disease may start to show its sign after reaching a certain age.
The only way to cure the pulmonary disease is to take enough prevention and stop it from affecting the body in the first place.
People should quit smoking and the people working in the smoke prone areas need to protect themselves with better gears.
Getting the disease due to genetically reason is out of anybody’s hand but with proper care, it is possible to live a normal life.
People should learn about the symptoms of a pulmonary disease and from its early detection, the disease should take propeller care of the diseases. Any neglect from early stage may lead to a more permanent and chronic pulmonary disease.