Top 12 Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

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Did you know that your daily cup of coffee can be good for your health? Here are the top 12 scientific benefits of having coffee for your body and mind!

Over one billion people around the world and over 400 million Americans consume coffee every day. Many drink coffee because they like its taste over tea or any other hot beverage. Some like it because it gives them the energy to get through the day, while others find it a comforting drink. 

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

But many of you might be unaware that coffee has many health benefits. The nutrients found in it, like magnesium, potassium, etc., prove very good for our health. In this blog, we will talk about the health benefits of coffee. 

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Nutritional value of coffee 

There are only two calories in a cup of black coffee. A 100ml of black coffee has fewer calories. On the contrary, adding milk or any cream to it increases the number of calories or its calorific values.

Useful nutrients of coffee are as follows:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Different phenolic compounds
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium 
  • Antioxidants. 

Also, coffee’s main constituents are caffeine, tannin, carbohydrates, protein, and fixed oils. Coffee contains

  •  2–3% caffeine
  •  3–5% tannins
  • 13% proteins,
  • 10–15% fixed oils.

Caffeine is present as CGA (salt of chlorogenic acid) in seeds.

Coffee contains potassium; if a person drinks three or four cups of coffee per day, the amount of potassium in his body increases. Apart from this, adding milk or cream to your coffee may increase its quantity.

Coffee beans contain polyphenols (antioxidants). These antioxidants present in coffee beans protect your body against free radical damage. Free radicals are some waste produced by our body automatically after definitive processes.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

They act like a toxin in your body and may cause inflammation. There is a huge relation between metabolic syndrome (like type 2 diabetes) and inflammation and various aspects of metabolic syndrome.

In 2018, researchers discovered that a content found in coffee, an antioxidant, proves to help reduce metabolic syndrome. Scientists proved that there are other certain compounds also present in coffee beans. Besides this, there is no evidence of these things yet, like what happens to them once they enter someone’s body after drinking it!. 

Top 12 Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Although some solid evidence has not been found yet, many of coffee’s health benefits cannot be denied, so let’s look at many of its benefits.

Coffee for liver

Coffee can help to lower the risk of liver cancer. Coffee consumption is linked to an alcoholic cirrhosis’ lower incidence. There is an inverse connection between decreased risk of cirrhosis and increased coffee consumption. A cup of coffee drunk by a person can reduce the risk of this issue in the body by 20%.

Well, how does it work? Well, the relationship between blood levels of liver enzymes and coffee is responsible for it. It may lower your liver enzymes’ levels which are generally associated with liver damaged issues and inflammation. 

Level up your physical performance

Coffee helps remove your fatigue and makes you capable of exercising more. That is why people who like to exercise more must consume coffee. 

It’s also known as endurance enhancer or performance enhancer as it possibly supports your endurance. It removes your fatigue, but it also proves helpful in reducing the fatty acids present in your blood, strengthening your muscles, and reducing your pain perception. If you drink it daily in moderate quantities, you start seeing many good effects.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Best for Improving your energy

If you are a fitness freak or spend more time exercising at the gym or home, you must consume coffee because the caffeine found in coffee helps you increase your brain function and boost your energy in a very high amount. 

Because if your mind is also fresh along with the energetic body, you will be able to do those things on which you spend a lot of time quickly. Also, those who study for many hours or do a lot of hard work must drink coffee, and most people recommend the same as well. So, a few functions include memory, energy levels, reaction times, mood, general cognitive function, etc.

Coffee may help you with depression 

To a large extent, it has been seen that people who consume moderate amounts of coffee every day have less depression. This is possible due to coffee’s anti-inflammatory properties, highly linked with decreased depression.

Caffeine may block the chemicals responsible for causing depression in your brain. Also, it blocks receptors in your brain to bind with a chemical (adenosine) which causes depressed mood and tiredness. So a daily habit of coffee might help you think more positively.

Coffee burns fat

Coffee is mainly found in fat loss products. Caffeine accelerates the process of metabolism, which promotes the fat-burning process in one’s body. It’s a natural substance that shows wonderful effects on your body.

Therefore, people troubled by problems like obesity must drink coffee in moderation. Although it can be used to reduce weight, this does not mean that you should consider it as an alternative to exercising and other things.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

For your stronger DNA

Dark roast coffee is responsible for decreasing the breakage in DNA strands. It occurs naturally but can be the reason behind tumors or cancer if it is not repaired by your cells.

Decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s problem is seen primarily in about two-thirds of American women. Caffeine present in coffee can prevent the problem of Alzheimer’s from progressing or developing.

According to research, it has also been found that people who are 60 or 65 years old, especially women, if they consume coffee, problems like dementia have been seen less in them.

One is less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease

Caffeine is linked to a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. The caffeine present in coffee proves to help do this. Along with this, other beverages other than coffee have this capability too.

Coffee and diabetes 

Consuming coffee can help one to protect against type 2 diabetes. About 30 studies were reviewed, and it was found that people who drank a cup of coffee per day were 6% less likely to develop diabetes type 2.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Those who increased the amount of coffee consumption were seen to have reduced the risk of this diabetes by 11% compared to those who didn’t. So if you include caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, it may lower your metabolic syndrome risk for type 2 diabetes.

Coffee is responsible for preserving the beta cells’ function in your pancreas, producing insulin to manage blood sugar levels. Coffee affects insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism, which are known for being involved in developing it.

Coffee for Longer Life 

After the study, it has been observed that moderate coffee consumption is related to a longer life span. After consumption of coffee, it has been seen that it can successfully reduce the death risk in people by 8% to 15 percent. 

Coffee for gout issues 

If you consume coffee in moderate quantities, it can help you reduce gout risk. According to the Nurses’ Health Study researchers,” Nearly 90,000 female nurses who had consumed coffee for many years have a positive effect in terms of gout. It was a positive correlation between a decreased risk for gout and long-term coffee consumption.”

It was linked directly with both decaf and regular consumption. If a woman drinks more than four cups of regular coffee every day,

She may have a low goat’s risk, around 57 percent. Additionally, women who drank two or three cups of coffee per day had a 22% lower risk of gout. On the other hand, women who drank one cup of decaf coffee had up to a 23 percent lower risk.

And the same thing applies to men as well. You can see how drinking coffee can be good for your gut issues compared to those who do not drink coffee every day. 

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Coffee for heart disease

It has often been seen that in people who drink more coffee, problems like heart failure have been seen less than those who drink less coffee or do not drink at all. 

According to a study of Korean researchers, “people who consume three or four cups of coffee per day have less chance of having heart problems’ signs than those who do not drink.

In women, stroke is considered the fourth leading cause of death. Coffee may lower the stroke risk, so drinking a coffee cup may help you have a less stroke risk. When it comes to heart health, you should not ignore anything but include those things in your life which are good and beneficial for your heart health. All these things bode well for a great future.

So these were some of the best caffeine benefits that we can get from having a cup or two of coffee daily. Along with knowing its health benefits, it is also essential to see its health risks.

Possible Health Risks Of Coffee

Many studies on coffee have shown the potential health risk, so let’s see and understand their health risk for a healthy lifestyle.

Bladder and pancreatic cancer

Coffee consumption is linked with the pancreas, cancers of the bladder, and possibly others. Many researchers have refuted concerns of this approach also, but we can’t neglect this health risk also.

Esophageal cancer

If a person drinks coffee at a temperature higher than 150 Fahrenheit, they are more likely to get esophageal cancer (according to a 2016 WHO report). In addition to coffee, the other beverages available in the market should also not be consumed at this temperature.  

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Cardiovascular disease

Studies have shown that people who drink more than 4 cups of coffee every day are more likely to have cardiovascular disease. Some of these studies did not consider smoking.

Smoking goes hand in hand with coffee sometimes and is obviously a big risk factor for cardiovascular diseases Other concerns include modest and temporary blood pressure elevation and fast or abnormal heart rhythms.

Disadvantages Of Drinking Coffee

There are many problems that people can have after drinking coffee in high amounts or unnecessarily.

  • Jittery feeling 
  • anxiety
  • Heartburn
  • frequent urination due to its diuretic property)
  • palpitations.

Let’s see them in detail below-

Coffee may cause bone fractures

If a woman consumes more coffee, she may have to face a problem like a bone fracture. On the contrary, if a person drinks more coffee, they may have this problem slightly less. 

Coffee while pregnancy is not safe 

High consumption of coffee can be related to pregnancy because if a woman consumes more coffee, she may have complications related to pregnancy. It is not suitable for them to drink coffee in large quantities. 

Avoid consuming coffee during pregnancy, more than one cup of coffee, or consult your doctor. Coffee is linked with low birth weight, pregnancy loss, and preterm birth. Caffeine may reach the fetus.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee


Caffeine is laxative and bad for those women who combat stomach issues with Endometriosis. Although no concrete or enough evidence related to this has been found yet, it is claimed that people who consume coffee in high amounts are at risk of getting this Endometriosis

Caffeine may irritate your stomach lining, causing ulcers or stirring existing stomach issues or pain. It may worsen those problems or symptoms. Diarrhea and abdominal cramping is an example of it.

Avoid bad quality coffee as it can be toxic for you

Different types of coffee brands are available in the market. Some coffee powders which are of awful quality can spoil your whole day. The presence of impermanence in it is not only good for your health, nor is it good for your mind, as bad quality coffee can cause headache, illness, or a general bad feeling. 

Impurity means that it has been roasted too much while making it, or it has been kept in the market for a long time. Because if a cup of coffee you’re drinking has impurities in it, it won’t do what it’s supposed to do inside your body. That is why you take only good quality coffee beans whenever you go to get coffee beans.

Avoid more cups of coffee as it can harm you 

Don’t drink 80-100 cups of coffee (23 liters) in a very short period as it can be very harmful. This lethal dose will increase the level of caffeine within your body in excessive amounts. If you drink it in this quantity, you may have to face problems like vomiting. 

If the amount of anything in the body becomes more, it is not suitable for our health. If even 23 liters of water are drunk, a person can have a few health issues.

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee

Coffee causes insomnia and restlessness

Coffee can promote insomnia and restlessness in a person. The average person should consume only 400 milligrams of coffee, which he gets by drinking four cups of coffee milk. If its quantity becomes more than this amount, the caffeine present in it can cause many issues in the body related to restlessness and insomnia. 

Along with this, such people who feel like they have some allergy to drinking coffee should not consume coffee. Caffeine-sensitive people should avoid it specially.

May raise LDL cholesterol levels 

People who have problems like high cholesterol should also avoid consuming coffee a little because it can cause harm to their health. After all, coffee beans contain kahweol and cafestol ingredients responsible for raising LDL cholesterol levels. 

May increase bedwetting problems in children 

Bedwetting problems can be considered a common problem in kids, but if they consume too much coffee, they may have to face this type of problem more.

Some studies have also been done, from which it is found that kids who are 5 to 7 years old have more bedwetting problems after drinking coffee. Caffeine consumption is not that good for them as it may increase enuresis, which is commonly known as bedwetting.

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What Is The Amount Of Coffee A Woman Should Take Per Day?

Well, an average 8-ounce cup contains 95 milligrams. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that women drink three to five cups of coffee every day. If a woman consumes coffee in this recommended quantity, she will not have any issues. Coffee content may vary from brand to brand, or it may depend on the type of coffee.

Another study shows that women who consume a high quantity of caffeine are at a higher risk of having cysts in the ovaries or breasts. Also, if they are struggling with infertility, fibroids, periods, low energy, or moodiness, then coffee can be a reason behind them.

Caffeine also increases the risk of infertility in women. A study proves that women who drink three or more cups of coffee every day are at a higher risk of miscarriages. 

Scientific Benefits Of Having Coffee


Whenever we wake up in the morning, we look for a cup of coffee, and some unique things make us crazy about it. We can’t ignore it as well because coffee has become an essential part of our life. For this, it is also necessary to ultimately see all prospects of caffeine.  

Admittedly, coffee has many side effects and health risks, but many of its health benefits can never be denied in our life. Take it only in moderate quantities so that your body does not have issues. 

We hope this article has inspired you to take coffee in the right amounts and thus help improve your health! If you have questions about the facts that we have stated, please put them in the comments box and we will try to respond to them. We would love it if you could share this article on your social media handles to spread the message far and wide.