Over thousands of years, medical marijuana has been used to treat several ailments. Medical marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals but how it affects the brain and body are still need to be explored more.
A recent study concluded that only 6% studies have been conducted to discover its medicinal properties.
As more positive results are found, more states are passing the laws of using medical marijuana. However, still in many states of the world, it is illegal to use marijuana for medical purpose.
So, what does it treat? What is the actual mechanism of its working? Who should use it and who shouldn’t?
Over usage or even abuse of marijuana can lead to the addiction and also, it can mess up with your emotions and memory.
Hence, medical marijuana is a new breakthrough in the medical world, but, its usage is a bit controversial nowadays.
How does Medical marijuana work?
Researchers believed that the mechanism of marijuana is a mystery, but, few studies revealed its chemicals and how it is effectively working.
Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main ingredient of marijuana. When THC enters in your system, it attaches and stimulates the cannabinoid receptors in your brain.
By the stimulation of these receptors, it affects your body in a different way, like pain reduction and increases in appetite.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is another chemical present in marijuana, which is also well-known for the health effects. Unlike THC cannabidiol doesn’t cause toxicity and it is not a psychoactive as well.
With the course of time, the THC is available alone to get most of the health benefits, but, make sure that rather this ingredient of marijuana is legal in your state or not.
So, another question is how medical marijuana can be used? Well, there are plenty of ways to get the hidden health benefits of medical marijuana.
Smoked, vaporized, eaten, and drink are the ways to get the dose of medical marijuana.
However, the uptake of medical marijuana should be under the doctor’s supervision, so that any risks and complication could be handled immediately.
In which conditions, medical marijuana is helpful?
Many medical conditions respond very well when administered medical marijuana to the patient. For making the person’s condition even better and provide optimal relieve, medical marijuana is considered.
But, still, many of us won’t have an idea that what wonders could the medical marijuana does for treating a variety of diseases. Excited to know some of them? Lets’ just begin the discussion.
1- Drifts away the pain
Pain is the top-most complaint that people ask for the prescription of medical marijuana. Several types of researchers concluded that cannabis is highly effective in treating the neuropathic pain, a type of pain originated from the nerve.
As compared to opiates, the marijuana has less potential for addiction, but, it’s over-dosage could be harmful.
Another study published in Canadian Association Medical Journal in 2014 suggested that medical marijuana can help in reducing the pain associated with multiple sclerosis.
The latest study also supported the positive effects of cannabis on multiple sclerosis, who actually didn’t get improvement from other drugs but they reported the remarkable decrease in the symptoms after smoking the medical marijuana. Do you know the hidden mechanism?
We’ve already discussed the THC and its effects on pain. Similarly, the THC binds to the receptors present in nerves and muscles in order to provide pain relief.
Perhaps, medical marijuana can be a good choice for tapering down the pain intensity and severity, but, make sure that you’re taking it under the doctor’s supervision.
2- Treats glaucoma
In the United States, more than 2.7 million people aged 40 or older got affected by glaucoma. In glaucoma, the pressure in the eyeball increases and it damages the optic nerve (the main nerve of eyes).
As a result, loss of vision occurs. Recent studies suggested that medical marijuana is not only treating glaucoma, in fact, it also prevents glaucoma.
In other words, medical marijuana decreases the intraocular pressure, thus, the progression of the disease is slow and it also prevents blindness.
3- Controls epilepsy and seizure
The medical marijuana can prevent the seizures, concluded in the latest report. Cannabinoids are the major ingredient of medical marijuana that’s bind with the brain cells, responsible for controlling the excitability and regulating relaxation.
4- Treats nausea
Without any doubts, marijuana is often prescribed to treat nausea and even increase appetite in those who are battling with eating.
Patients with AIDS or even those who are undergoing chemotherapy can also use medical marijuana for escalating the appetite level and decreasing the nausea episodes.
5- Reverses the carcinogenic effects of tobacco
Who doesn’t know that how can tobacco in cigarettes cause lung cancer? But surprisingly, the medical marijuana has the potential that can reverse back the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and eventually, improve overall lung’s health.
In January 2012, a study published in a journal American Medical Association revealed that the marijuana improves lung capacity instead of impairing the lung’s function.
However, how it is helpful in improving pulmonary functions is still not fully unleashed.
6- Decreases the symptoms of Dravet Syndrome
Dravet Syndrome is a less-known disease, characterized by the seizures and developmental delays. During the first years of life, Dravet Syndrome develops.
Because the frequency of seizures is quite higher in children, they can experience the difficulty in developing motor and language skills.
Also, children with Dravet Syndrome would be hyperactive and find problems while interacting with others.
The Cannabinoid is the well-tolerated marijuana’s ingredient, reducing or even eliminating the childhood epilepsy-related disorders. So, medical marijuana is also effective in treating a very rare disorder.
7- Can decrease the anxiety
Researchers at Harvard Medical School in 2010 stated that medical marijuana can reduce the anxiety somehow.
In low doses, the mood of the person may be improved and act as a mind-relaxer sedative. Just keep in mind that higher doses can worsen the anxiety and make you paranoid.
Despite its legal considerations is a big issue, medical marijuana is yet used as a potential and effective drug in certain nations. More researchers will be conducted on the medical marijuana, more the chances of its legalization will be.