Fibromyalgia Eye Problems

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Fibromyalgia is a common syndrome affecting many people, mainly women that cause long-term pain in many areas of your body.

Fibromyalgia can cause joint, tendon, soft tissue, and muscle pain all over the body.

An area that is commonly overlooked in fibromyalgia patients is the eye. It is no surprise that fibromyalgia causes eye problems due to the eye containing six main muscles to control movement. Because fibromyalgia affects the nervous system it can affect one’s vision.


The causes of eye problems with patients who have fibromyalgia are linked to the nervous system.

Fibromyalgia over time deteriorates your nervous system. Because nerves play a key role in all body functions, it comes as no surprise it can affect your eyes as well.

Nerves that travel to your eye deteriorate and cause an array of problems. Fibromyalgia can deteriorate the nerves fully, or just a little.

The fibromyalgia can cause a few symptoms, many symptoms, or sometimes none at all.

Fibromyalgia Eye Symptoms

Symptoms of fibromyalgia in the eyes are simple, but can sometimes be overlooked. One may experience blurred or impaired vision.

These vision problems could start just at night while driving in the dark. One may feel their eyes straining to see road signs, or squinting to see the lines on the road.

Fibromyalgia can affect one’s vision, but might not be attributed to fibromyalgia. Vision changes can occur for many reasons such as old age.

It is important to consider that if you have fibromyalgia and experience changes in vision to contact your doctor.

Another symptom is that one may experience pain while reading print. Because fibromyalgia can negatively affect your vision reading smaller print may become more difficult.

When trying to read print becomes more difficult it may hurt to strain one’s eyes. The eye pain could be a result of the fibromyalgia.

Along with blurred vision, double vision is also common in patients with fibromyalgia.

Double vision can occur while one is trying to focus on one object. Another symptom of fibromyalgia is dry eyes.

When the eye muscles cannot properly function, the eye cannot properly lubricate itself.

Due to this, the eyes become dry. Dry eyes can be a symptom of many things, but if you have fibromyalgia is most likely the syndrome causing the dry eyes.

Lastly, a patient with fibromyalgia may experience light sensitivity. When stepping out into the sun one’s eyes may hurt and they will feel the need to squint.

Fibromyalgia Eye Problems


Treatment for Fibromyalgia eye problems is mostly management of the disease. To cope with the dry eye it is recommended to use eye drops for dry eyes.

These drops can be used multiple times a day. Using these drops for an extended period of time will help reverse the dry eyes and let the patient live more comfortably.

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If the patient suffers from light sensitivity sunglasses should be worn when going outside.

By wearing sunglasses it will help protect the eyes. The sunglasses will limit the amount of light that reaches the naked eye.

For patients who are experiencing vision problems, an eye doctor will be able to help with the vision problems.

A doctor could prescribe contacts or glasses for the patients. The glasses or contacts could be worn at all times, or just at certain times throughout the day.

In some cases, the nerves are damaged enough that glass or contacts cannot be worn.

The nerves are too sensitive to touch the bridge of the nose or touch the eye to put in a contact. In these cases, the patient may use a magnifying glass to read or rely on others to help.

In other cases, the patient may learn to use braille to help continue their daily life.  Patients could also use voice-activated systems to help with daily life.


In some extreme cases, fibromyalgia can cause blindness in some patients. The nerves that lead to the eyes can sometimes become inflamed and cause the eyes to become blind.

In some cases, it is partial blindness while in more extreme cases it is complete blindness.

When the fibromyalgia affects these nerves it can sometimes be caught early and treated with steroids.

In certain cases, the steroids can stop the inflammation and prevent complete blindness.

Fibromyalgia can lead to a variety of problems in one’s eyes. When dealing with fibromyalgia it is important to stay in contact with your doctor to track the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Through keeping diligent with your symptoms you can manage it and avoid extremes such as blindness.

Fibromyalgia and Dry Eyes

Fibromyalgia affects the nervous system, and this is a problem for our eyes as it has six muscles controlling its movement. With deterioration in FM patients’ nervous system, the eyes nerves are also affected resulting in eye problems.

Dry eyes are a symptom of various conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome, Graft vs. Host disease and Fibromyalgia (FMS). Dry eyes can make life unbearable as it can lead to pain, and loss of visual acuity.

Effects of Dry Eyes

A patient suffering from FMS is not going to be able to engage in daily activities such as driving, working or reading due to dry eyes. Patients with dry eyes do know of the negative impact it has in their lives and how it affects their emotional well-being.

Who is at risk of dry eye?

If you are older than 50, a woman who is post menopause and people who have a medical condition that reduces the formation of tears.

Treatment of Dry Eyes

Once you have explained to your doctor that you have dry eyes, they can diagnose what the issue is, and early treatment can prevent severe eye complications. It can help patients revert to their daily activities.

Some of the remedies that can work for dry eyes include gel eye drops. The drops coat the eyeball and relieve dryness for a long time.

You can increase your water intake. Hydration is something people underestimate, gulp down jugs or bottles of water to help.

Try doing blinking exercises. Close your eyes and squeeze for two seconds. Afterward, open your eyes slowly for another two seconds. You can repeat as often as you can. In general, try blinking more often.

Lubricating eye drops when used consistently, are likely to reverse the dry eyes, and you can get back to reading and drive.

Fibromyalgia Eyes Burning

Burning eyes is a symptom of FM and at times can stay for a long time.

Causes of eyes burning

Eye care specialists do state that it isn’t medical conditions only that cause eyes to burn. Other factors such as sunscreen in the eyes, smoke, smog, and dust can cause your eyes to burn. Common medical issues like allergies, viral and bacterial infections cause eyes to burn.

A visit to an eye specialist will know the underlying source of your eye infection.

Remedies of Burning Eyes

Always, visit an eye specialist for help and proper diagnosis of the infection.

You can use lubricating eye drops or artificial tears. If you plan to use them for a long time, you can get one that is preservative-free.

Apply a cool compress gently to your closed eyelids to help you soothe your eyes.

Fibromyalgia Eye Twitching

Doctors call eye twitching blepharospasm. This is when your upper eyelid blinks, and you cannot make it stop. It can affect one eye or both. You can notice this when your eyelid moves every few seconds for a minute or more.

The twitches are painless, but when they are strong, your eyelid can shut entirely then reopens after a while.

Three types of twitches

One is the minor eyelid twitch that is connected to stress consumption alcohol, caffeine or tobacco, lack of proper sleep and when fatigued. It can be as a result of irritation of the cornea.

The second type is Benign essential blepharospasm that occurs in mid-to-late adulthood and gets worse over time. In the US, about 2,000 people get diagnosed with benign essential blepharospasm per year. It is common in women than in men.

Wind or air pollution, stress and fatigue cause eye twitches. At first, it can be non-stop blinking, and then it progressively gets worse.

Its severity symptoms are sensitivity to light and blurry vision. Facial spasms and in intense cases your eyelids shut for a few hours.

Type three is hemifacial spasm. It involves the muscles around your eyelid and mouth and only affects one side of your face. This type of eye twitch is quite rare.

The primary cause is pressure on your facial nerve by an artery.

Treating Eye Twitching

You can use eye drops for irritated eyes and try cutting off your alcohol, caffeine and tobacco consumption.

Widely used treatment for hemifacial spasm is botulinum toxin which is a mix of Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin.

Alternative treatments can be acupuncture, nutrition therapy, wearing tinted glasses and chiropractic. If they fail, surgery is the last resort where a doctor performs myectomy. This is removing some of the nerves and muscles around your eyelid.

Is Eye Twitching a Symptom of FMS?

It can affect a few people as not everyone has it, though it is a cause for concern when it happens often. This is a more common symptom of Sjogren’s syndrome than for FMS.

Fibromyalgia Eye Floaters

What are Eye Floaters?

These are small spots that appear in your field of vision. They are quite noticeable especially when you are looking at the blue sky, a white paper or something bright. Eye floaters might be a nuisance but shouldn’t affect your vision.

A floater can be big and cast a shadow over your vision, but it is only noticeable when under certain types of light. Some people live with floaters for years and don’t require treatment.

Types of Eye Floaters

Floaters mean they dart around your eye when you try to focus on them. They can be in different shapes, such as rings, gray or black dots, cobwebs or thread-like strands.

Causes of Eye Floaters

Majority of the floaters are flecks of the collagen protein that is part of the vitreous, which is a gel-like substance found at the back of your eye.

They can happen at any age but mostly between 50 and 75. If you have had cataract surgery or you’re nearsighted, you’re likely to have them.

Some of the rare causes are an eye disease, diabetic retinopathy, eye tumors or an eye injury.

Are Eye Floaters a Symptom of Fibromyalgia?

Since most people have floaters, they are not necessarily related to FMS, hence, no it isn’t a symptom.

When to see a doctor

Either way, when you have more floaters than you had before, go and see your doctor. When you experience retina problems, go and see an ophthalmologist to help you before you lose your sight.

Fibromyalgia Eye Swelling

Eye problems are prevalent among FMS patients, and eye swelling is one of them.

What is Eye Swelling?

Blepharitis, the scientific term for eye swelling, is the inflammation of the tissue that is around the eye.

Causes of Blepharitis

Dryness and irritation will cause the eye to swell. A bacterial and fungal eyelid infection, parasites such as Demodex eyelash mites, Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and dry eyes.

An infection is the most common cause of eye swelling. The bacteria build up underneath the eyelid’s surface and creates a biofilm. The biofilm grows and is a source of food for tiny mites that begin to feed and hence cause irritation and inflammation of the eyes.

Blepharitis relation to Fibromyalgia

This condition is common in people who have autoimmune conditions like psoriasis. And it is known that people with FMS are at a higher risk of developing autoimmune conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome. The link, as many have speculated, is that FMS is an autoimmune condition.

The apparent link between FMS and blepharitis are conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome. Sjorgen’s syndrome destroys the cells that produce moisture in the eyes resulting in your eyes drying out and contributes to blepharitis. For those who have FMS, there’s a higher chance of suffering from it.

Treating Eye Swelling

Before you treat your eye, visit an eye doctor who will determine what has caused your eye to swell. After close evaluation, your doctor will determine which treatment is appropriate.

The treatments typically are as follow

Eyelid scrubs to remove biofilm build-up and excess bacteria from the eyelid. Apply a warm compress daily and lid scrubs to eliminate bacteria and reduce the number of Demodex mites on your lids. You can use eyelid cleaners, non-prescription eyelid cleaning pads or diluted baby shampoo.

For a more effective blepharitis treatment, get in-office procedures done. Electromechanical lid margin debridement removes biofilm, Demodex mites and biofilm on your eyelid more effectively. It also opens any meibomian glands that clogged.

Another in-office procedure is Lipiflow or thermal pulsation treatment that melts any material that is obstructing the meibomian glands.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is an in-office procedure that opens clogged lid glands. It also helps the tear film to have the regular flow of oil to it.

Medicated ointments or eye drops to treat excess bacteria or microbes on the eyelids, especially if they can cause an eye infection.

At home remedies

To maintain eye hygiene, wash your hands and dip a towel in nearly hot water. Place the hot cloth over closed eyelids for a few minutes and gently rub the margin with the washcloth without opening your eyes. Make sure you don’t press too hard on your eyes with the hot cloth.

Clean your eyelids daily to prevent bacteria, Demodex mites build up on the eyelid margin will avoid blepharitis from returning.

Fibromyalgia Flashing Lights in Eyes

Photopsias is another term for eye flashes and occurs when the retina is torn or tugged from the back of the eye. A blow to the head can shift the gel inside the eye, and you will see stars.

Immediate attention is required once a retinal tear has occurred, as it will help reduce the chances of you losing your eye.

What Flashes appear like?

Eye flashes can be either jagged lines that happen in both eyes and can last for about 10 to 20 minutes. Examples of flashes are seeing stars or jagged lines.

Who is at risk of experiencing flashes?

People who are over 50, have undergone eye surgery, there is a family history of retinal tear and if you have suffered from some retinal disease like a lattice.

Diagnosing Flashes

An eye specialist is likely to use a unique light, and eye drops to check if your retina is torn or has detached.

Flashes are likely to be a symptom FMS patients experience. Zigzag patterns in your field of vision are common. The patterns make it seem as if you are to have a migraine, but it never develops.

Talk to your doctor about countermeasure options that can help you to deal with flashes.

Fibromyalgia causes Blurry Vision

Double or blurry vision is a symptom of FMS. Fibromyalgia can cause patients to have a thick mucus on the eyes, and the coating impairs vision and hinders one from driving at night.

Causes of Blurry Vision

Myopia – is nearsightedness that causes objects in the distance to be blurred. Eye strain, headaches, and squinting are some of the symptoms that accompany myopia.

The Onset of presbyopia. This affects older people as you get blurred vision when you are reading a newspaper or small print up close. This is an age-related condition.

Astigmatism is having blurry vision at all distances. It occurs due to an irregularly shaped cornea.

Treatment for Double Vision

You can wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct nearsightedness. Refractive surgery like PRK and LASIK treats astigmatism.

Bifocals, reading glasses and progressive lenses are the common treatments for presbyopia.

When your eyes are tired from looking at the screen of your tablet or computer for a long time, your vision is bound to be blurry. To make it better, close your eyes for some time. Listen to music or an audiobook to relax.

Fibromyalgia Optic Neuritis

Optic neuritis occurs in people over 45 and affects women more than men. This is a condition that affects people with FMS, due to it being a condition that attacks nerves.

Causes of Optic Neuritis

Viral infections, nutrition deficiency, toxins from alcohol and tobacco, and neurological disorders. Drugs such as some antibiotics can cause optic neuritis.

Symptoms of Optic Neuritis

Eye movement can cause some people to have flashes. You can experience a dull ache behind your eye as a result of eye movement. It is possible to lose vision in one eye, but it is temporary and improves after a few days or weeks.

Your color perception is affected due to optic neuritis, and you might notice some colors are less vivid than others.

Treating Optic Neuritis

It usually improves on its own, though at times some steroid medication is used to reduce inflammation of the optic nerve. Though there are effects of using steroids such as insomnia, weight gain, upset stomach, and much more.

Plasma exchange therapy is an option that is considered when steroids aren’t working. It could help you to recover your eye vision if you lost it due to optic neuritis.

Fibromyalgia Eye Socket Pain

Pain in the eye socket is common among patients who suffer from Fibromyalgia. This is because the muscles in the neck are tense.

Pain radiating from the neck can cause neck headaches which are as a result of muscles pulling at the base of the skull. This pain extends to the head and you can feel it in the eye sockets.

Treating eye socket pain can be resolved by doing some exercises

While standing, lower your chin to your chest and hold for 10 seconds, then tilt your head back and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this process twice.

While on your feet, drop your head to one side while looking ahead and hold for 10 seconds. Switch sides and repeat the exercise twice.

For a more advanced stretch, check out this YouTube video that will help you relieve the tension in your neck muscles.

42 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia Eye Problems”

  1. My eye issue is someone different. Sometimes when I an looking around it feels like it takes my vision awhile to catch up to where I’m looking and then it’s like looking through a fish tank you can see but it’s just not right. I don’t know if anyone else has similar issues.

  2. My eye issue is someone different. Sometimes when I an looking around it feels like it takes my vision awhile to catch up to where I’m looking and then it’s like looking through a fish tank you can see but it’s just not right. I don’t know if anyone else has similar issues.

  3. Sherry and Patricia, I feel like you also, and this is why I started doing a research by my self, because not Doctors knows why and reasons to I am feeling like that. I have old the sensations that you ladies have mentioned before.

  4. Sherry and Patricia, I feel like you also, and this is why I started doing a research by my self, because not Doctors knows why and reasons to I am feeling like that. I have old the sensations that you ladies have mentioned before.

  5. I also have this fishtank problem, though it seemed to happen just after i had a cataract removed. Everything looks surreal especially when looking at large spaces. I find it improves when i put my distance glasses on, even though i am long sighted. Also seems better when i wear sunglasses.

  6. I also have this fishtank problem, though it seemed to happen just after i had a cataract removed. Everything looks surreal especially when looking at large spaces. I find it improves when i put my distance glasses on, even though i am long sighted. Also seems better when i wear sunglasses.

  7. I am experiencing similar problems with my left eye. I had cataract surgery, thinking that was the problem . It remains a problem for which my doctor says there is no evidence . This has been going on for years. Now three months after the cataract surgery and complicated tests , I am told nothing is wrong with my eye. No surgery yet on the cataracts in the other eye and no follow up until end of December. The poor vision is affecting all aspects of my life.

  8. I am experiencing similar problems with my left eye. I had cataract surgery, thinking that was the problem . It remains a problem for which my doctor says there is no evidence . This has been going on for years. Now three months after the cataract surgery and complicated tests , I am told nothing is wrong with my eye. No surgery yet on the cataracts in the other eye and no follow up until end of December. The poor vision is affecting all aspects of my life.

  9. I am experiencing, double vision, blurred vision, lack of vision at night, which i believe to be in both eyes. I had an eye exam in January and the optometrist said i needed bi focals, which did not change my vision, it actuaully continued to get worse. Im going to check into lasik surgery as an option. Does anyone know anything about lasik?

  10. I am experiencing, double vision, blurred vision, lack of vision at night, which i believe to be in both eyes. I had an eye exam in January and the optometrist said i needed bi focals, which did not change my vision, it actuaully continued to get worse. Im going to check into lasik surgery as an option. Does anyone know anything about lasik?

  11. I too ,on occasion, have a sharp bolt of pain in my eyes, extremely quick and short lived. I have a delay in my vision catching up with where my eye is looking. I have what I call. “phantom” images; an image over another image like a double exposure on a film. Never associated any of these symptoms with possible eye muscle or optic nerve damage. Certainly would like to research this association in depth.

  12. I too ,on occasion, have a sharp bolt of pain in my eyes, extremely quick and short lived. I have a delay in my vision catching up with where my eye is looking. I have what I call. “phantom” images; an image over another image like a double exposure on a film. Never associated any of these symptoms with possible eye muscle or optic nerve damage. Certainly would like to research this association in depth.

  13. I was told by my eye doctor years ago that I had fibromyalgia and converted this to my doctor during visits for pain she dismissed it and said they don’t know what their talking about…years went by the pain got worse. I was sent for cateract surgery and had one eye done in July and the other one done in September. I had complications and had laser on both eyes in November 18, 2014. Still seeing things blurry at times and having pain in my eyes. I have been off work because of my eyes. In December 2 I went to a rheumatologist and was diagnosed formally with fibromyalgia she said I have been living with a lot of pain. Finally know what’s happening in my body and have some of the answers I need to be able to understand and look for treatments for relief. I felt like I was just a chronic complainer as I was always in pain and telling people how sore I was ….no one understood especially my family doctor. It’s been 15 years of living like this and I really hope others don’t have to suffer that long before they get a diagnoses and know treatment options.

  14. I was told by my eye doctor years ago that I had fibromyalgia and converted this to my doctor during visits for pain she dismissed it and said they don’t know what their talking about…years went by the pain got worse. I was sent for cateract surgery and had one eye done in July and the other one done in September. I had complications and had laser on both eyes in November 18, 2014. Still seeing things blurry at times and having pain in my eyes. I have been off work because of my eyes. In December 2 I went to a rheumatologist and was diagnosed formally with fibromyalgia she said I have been living with a lot of pain. Finally know what’s happening in my body and have some of the answers I need to be able to understand and look for treatments for relief. I felt like I was just a chronic complainer as I was always in pain and telling people how sore I was ….no one understood especially my family doctor. It’s been 15 years of living like this and I really hope others don’t have to suffer that long before they get a diagnoses and know treatment options.

  15. I had cataracts removed (I was 42 at the time) and had torric lenses put in to improve my distance vision. The fibromyalgia is worsening my vision a little more each day. I didn’t need glasses after the surgeries but now I need them for reading and will need them soon for my distance vision as well. Thanks for telling me that fibro does this. I couldn’t figure out why I was losing my vision! Now I know.

  16. I had cataracts removed (I was 42 at the time) and had torric lenses put in to improve my distance vision. The fibromyalgia is worsening my vision a little more each day. I didn’t need glasses after the surgeries but now I need them for reading and will need them soon for my distance vision as well. Thanks for telling me that fibro does this. I couldn’t figure out why I was losing my vision! Now I know.

  17. I’ve had FMS/CFIDS for 22 years. When I saw this article I wanted to sign up for the newsletter, I get quite a number of them. I tried four or five times but it said, “apologize can’t …..” Would you add me to your mailing list please?

  18. I’ve had FMS/CFIDS for 22 years. When I saw this article I wanted to sign up for the newsletter, I get quite a number of them. I tried four or five times but it said, “apologize can’t …..” Would you add me to your mailing list please?

  19. Right now I’m going through quite a number of problems with my eyes. After 22 years of FMS/CFIDS, and now being 67 years old, I’m sure the cataracts are partially from age. I can’t have the cataracts removed until I clear up my dry eye, which is funny,because my eyes were running all the time. With the help of a eye doc for the past few months we continue to try to clear it up. Still not there yet. Now I’m using Refresh/Celluvisc, a thick eye drop which makes your vision blurry for a few minutes, I was told to use them every hour. A bit of an inconvenience but in six weeks I’ll hopefully be able to have nodules removed from my eyes, it’s called Salzman’s Degeneration. After six weeks healing on each eye, and if all goes well, I then can have the cataracts removed. Wheww! Never thought they’d be a problem.

  20. Right now I’m going through quite a number of problems with my eyes. After 22 years of FMS/CFIDS, and now being 67 years old, I’m sure the cataracts are partially from age. I can’t have the cataracts removed until I clear up my dry eye, which is funny,because my eyes were running all the time. With the help of a eye doc for the past few months we continue to try to clear it up. Still not there yet. Now I’m using Refresh/Celluvisc, a thick eye drop which makes your vision blurry for a few minutes, I was told to use them every hour. A bit of an inconvenience but in six weeks I’ll hopefully be able to have nodules removed from my eyes, it’s called Salzman’s Degeneration. After six weeks healing on each eye, and if all goes well, I then can have the cataracts removed. Wheww! Never thought they’d be a problem.

  21. I’m beginning to have strange eye problems … seeing double when i look at things after a few seconds. I had a branch vein retinopathy in 2005 and I and I still have problems trying to see around the “hole” in the center of my eye, which left me with a limited amount of depth perception. My eyes ache at times, which takes an ice pad to ease.

  22. I’m beginning to have strange eye problems … seeing double when i look at things after a few seconds. I had a branch vein retinopathy in 2005 and I and I still have problems trying to see around the “hole” in the center of my eye, which left me with a limited amount of depth perception. My eyes ache at times, which takes an ice pad to ease.

  23. I also have the double vision and blurriness at time. I am also diabetic which adds another layer of issues related to my eyes. A few years ago I was diagnosed with Asteroid Hyalosis… floaters behind the lens so bright light affects me by making white wavy lines and now I am getting darkness in front. I saw the image of my eye and there are a lot of the orbs on there ? I am seeing my optometrist at the end mod the month. Hopefully it’s not a sign of things to come and or cataracts!

  24. I also have the double vision and blurriness at time. I am also diabetic which adds another layer of issues related to my eyes. A few years ago I was diagnosed with Asteroid Hyalosis… floaters behind the lens so bright light affects me by making white wavy lines and now I am getting darkness in front. I saw the image of my eye and there are a lot of the orbs on there ? I am seeing my optometrist at the end mod the month. Hopefully it’s not a sign of things to come and or cataracts!

  25. I have had fibromyalgia for years and am being treated with Gabapentin 2400 mg. a day. My pain is mostly in the balls of my feet and burning eyes. Any one have any ideas on how to help the pain?

  26. I have had fibromyalgia for years and am being treated with Gabapentin 2400 mg. a day. My pain is mostly in the balls of my feet and burning eyes. Any one have any ideas on how to help the pain?

  27. Fibromyalgia is not a progressive illness. It doesn’t cause any nerves to “degenerate” because it doesn’t have a direct effect on nerve cells. It has an imbalance of neurochemicals (produces too much substance ‘P’ in the brain) which heightens the perception of pain.
    If you have dry eyes you may be suffering from Sjogren’s Syndrome which can co-occur with fibro. If your eyes are stinging or stabbing it may just be the way your headache is manifesting. Your eye nerves are not deteriorating and you should not be concerned that fibromyalgia is going to cause blindness. You may want to check your symptoms with your doctor because it could be something else entirely.
    I think this was an inflammatory article designed to sell supplements. Fibromyalgia can’t be the root cause of all your actual, perceived or imaginary health problems.

  28. Fibromyalgia is not a progressive illness. It doesn’t cause any nerves to “degenerate” because it doesn’t have a direct effect on nerve cells. It has an imbalance of neurochemicals (produces too much substance ‘P’ in the brain) which heightens the perception of pain.
    If you have dry eyes you may be suffering from Sjogren’s Syndrome which can co-occur with fibro. If your eyes are stinging or stabbing it may just be the way your headache is manifesting. Your eye nerves are not deteriorating and you should not be concerned that fibromyalgia is going to cause blindness. You may want to check your symptoms with your doctor because it could be something else entirely.
    I think this was an inflammatory article designed to sell supplements. Fibromyalgia can’t be the root cause of all your actual, perceived or imaginary health problems.

  29. I have fibromyalgia. X 10 years
    Yes, it effects your vision.
    I have had to get prescription readers. I am unable to read in the mornings. I noticed this when I started working in the mornings….

  30. I have fibromyalgia. X 10 years
    Yes, it effects your vision.
    I have had to get prescription readers. I am unable to read in the mornings. I noticed this when I started working in the mornings….

  31. If fibro is not progressive , how come when I first started with it 40 yrs ago pain and attacks were milder ? Now the pain is intense and constant and effects the whole of my body .

  32. If fibro is not progressive , how come when I first started with it 40 yrs ago pain and attacks were milder ? Now the pain is intense and constant and effects the whole of my body .

  33. I have fibromyalgia. My eye site has been fading in and out since October 2015, Doctors don’t think it is the fibro causing the problem. It gets blurry to were I can not read anything, not even big marquee signs and billboards on the highway. The blurriness is random sometimes just for minutes but most of the time for hours, occasionally all day. Been to primary care dr, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist. Neurologist. They don’t find anything wrong. Had Mri, Ct scan both of those where normal. ER Dr said he thought maybe silent migraines. But that would mean I am having them every single day. The blurry eyes coming and going is affecting my job because I cannot read the documents or computer or even my phone. It is really getting frustrating that no one can figure out what is causing the eye problems.

  34. I have fibromyalgia. My eye site has been fading in and out since October 2015, Doctors don’t think it is the fibro causing the problem. It gets blurry to were I can not read anything, not even big marquee signs and billboards on the highway. The blurriness is random sometimes just for minutes but most of the time for hours, occasionally all day. Been to primary care dr, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist. Neurologist. They don’t find anything wrong. Had Mri, Ct scan both of those where normal. ER Dr said he thought maybe silent migraines. But that would mean I am having them every single day. The blurry eyes coming and going is affecting my job because I cannot read the documents or computer or even my phone. It is really getting frustrating that no one can figure out what is causing the eye problems.

  35. Figbromyalgia gets progressive in one respect-YOU are getting older so the affects and effects of aging layer over any past illnesses. And, please don’t fall down or get in an auto accident! Your non progressive fibro will kick in a level that will haunt you for years, and that is after treatments! Trust me it gets progressive!

  36. Figbromyalgia gets progressive in one respect-YOU are getting older so the affects and effects of aging layer over any past illnesses. And, please don’t fall down or get in an auto accident! Your non progressive fibro will kick in a level that will haunt you for years, and that is after treatments! Trust me it gets progressive!

  37. I had complications from Lasik. I have chronic migraine. I have cervical disc problems. I have fibro. I have taken preventative medication for migraine – propranolol & botox. They have Helped to reduce the # and the severity but I still get headaches almost every day. Lyrica and flexeril also help with nerve issues. Some of the headaches start with eye pain. And the eye pain which feels like severe pulling of my eye muscles. Asked my Rheumatologist and she said my eye pain can e from fibro and blue light waves can affect it. So tinted glasses can help. I need tinted readers!. My eyes get dry & filmy at the saMe time!

  38. I had complications from Lasik. I have chronic migraine. I have cervical disc problems. I have fibro. I have taken preventative medication for migraine – propranolol & botox. They have Helped to reduce the # and the severity but I still get headaches almost every day. Lyrica and flexeril also help with nerve issues. Some of the headaches start with eye pain. And the eye pain which feels like severe pulling of my eye muscles. Asked my Rheumatologist and she said my eye pain can e from fibro and blue light waves can affect it. So tinted glasses can help. I need tinted readers!. My eyes get dry & filmy at the saMe time!


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