Fibromyalgia and Whole Body Cryotherapy: A Chilling Effect.

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Understanding the Basics of Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC)

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is a therapeutic technique that has been gaining traction in the medical and wellness communities over the past few decades. Originating from Japan in the late 1970s, WBC was initially developed as a treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis. The principle behind WBC is simple yet profound: by exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short duration, it triggers a series of physiological reactions that can have therapeutic benefits.

The process involves standing in a specially designed cryotherapy chamber where temperatures can plummet to as low as -130 degrees Celsius. This extreme cold is achieved using liquid nitrogen or refrigerated cold air. During a session, which lasts for about 90 seconds to three minutes, the skin’s surface temperature drops significantly, stimulating the body’s cold receptors. This sudden drop in temperature prompts the body to go into a survival mode of sorts, diverting blood from the extremities to the core. This process enhances blood circulation, enriches the blood with oxygen, nutrients, and enzymes, and removes toxins.

While the primary objective of this therapy is to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, WBC has been associated with a range of other health benefits. These include improved sleep, enhanced mood due to the release of endorphins, increased metabolic rate, and better skin health due to increased collagen production.

Fibromyalgia and Whole Body Cryotherapy. 2

Clinical Trials and Their Findings

The medical community has been keen to understand the effects of WBC on various conditions, including fibromyalgia. A recent trial published in Advances in Rheumatology titled “Serial whole-body cryotherapy in fibromyalgia is effective and alters cytokine profiles” provided significant insights into the effects of WBC on fibromyalgia patients. This study was groundbreaking in its approach and findings.

The study involved 23 fibromyalgia patients and 30 healthy controls. All participants underwent six WBC sessions over a six-week period. The results were promising. There was a measurable impact on fibromyalgia-related pain, disease activity, and cytokine levels. Cytokines are small proteins that play a crucial role in cell signaling. They are involved in various physiological processes, including inflammation and immune responses.

The study concluded that WBC could alter levels of inflammatory cytokines in the body, which are often associated with pain-related conditions like fibromyalgia. Specifically, the therapy seemed to decrease the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines while increasing the levels of anti-inflammatory ones. This balance is crucial in managing pain and inflammation in fibromyalgia patients.

Comparing with Previous Studies

The realm of WBC research is vast, with numerous studies conducted over the years. However, when it comes to fibromyalgia, the research is still in its nascent stages. There have been previous studies that tested the effects of WBC on fibromyalgia, but with varying methodologies and settings.

For instance, a study by Bettoni et al. combined WBC with mandatory aerobic exercise. This combination could have influenced the results due to vasodilation counteracting WBC-induced vasoconstriction. Another study by Rivera et al. faced challenges with their cross-over design due to short wash-out periods, which might have affected the results. Vitenet et al. treated only 11 FM patients with WBC, limiting the study due to its small sample size.

Despite these variations and challenges, the beneficial effects of WBC on fibromyalgia seem consistent across studies. Most studies report a reduction in pain, improved sleep quality, and enhanced overall well-being among participants.


Molecular Effects of WBC

Central sensitization, a phenomenon where the central nervous system becomes hyper-responsive, leading to increased pain sensitivity, plays a significant role in fibromyalgia-related hyperalgesia. This heightened pain response can be debilitating for fibromyalgia patients, affecting their quality of life.

On a molecular level, an imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines contributes to pain induction and maintenance. WBC appears to influence these cytokines, particularly IL-1, IL-6, and IL-10. These cytokines play roles in pain threshold regulation, fever, headache, myalgia, and arthralgia – symptoms commonly experienced by fibromyalgia patients.

The exact mechanism through which WBC affects these cytokines is still under investigation. However, the prevailing theory is that the extreme cold exposure triggers a series of physiological responses, including the release of anti-inflammatory proteins and the suppression of pro-inflammatory ones. This shift in the cytokine profile can help reduce inflammation and pain in fibromyalgia patients.

Patient Feedback on WBC

The acceptance of WBC among fibromyalgia patients is overwhelmingly positive. Many report significant satisfaction with the treatment, perceiving it as effective and crucial for managing their symptoms. The reduction in pain and disease activity is noticeable after just three sessions, with prolonged effects observed with increasing serial applications.

Anecdotal evidence from patients suggests that the benefits of WBC go beyond just pain management. Many report improved sleep quality, enhanced mood, and increased energy levels. The endorphin rush post-treatment is often likened to a “runner’s high,” providing a sense of euphoria and well-being.

However, it’s essential to note that while many patients find relief with WBC, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some patients might require more sessions than others to achieve the desired results, and a few might not benefit from the therapy at all. It’s crucial for patients to work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the best treatment plan tailored to their needs.

Real-life Testimonials

At Huemn, a wellness center offering WBC, numerous fibromyalgia patients have reported significant relief from their symptoms after undergoing the treatment. Many of these patients initially require daily WBC sessions for the first week to effectively lower systemic inflammation levels. After this initial phase, most can reduce their frequency to 3-5 times per week for the next month. Once relief is achieved, patients typically transition to a “maintenance phase,” undergoing WBC a few times per week to keep inflammation levels in check.

One patient, Sarah, shared her experience, stating, “Before trying WBC, I was at my wit’s end. The pain was unbearable, and I had tried almost every treatment out there. After just a week of daily WBC sessions, I felt like a new person. The pain was manageable, and I could finally get a good night’s sleep.”


Another patient, Mark, echoed similar sentiments, “WBC has been a game-changer for me. Not only has it helped with the pain, but I also feel more energetic and positive. It’s like I’ve gotten a piece of my life back.”

Whole Body Cryotherapy offers a promising avenue for fibromyalgia patients seeking relief from their symptoms. The therapy’s ability to alter inflammatory cytokine levels provides a scientific basis for its effectiveness. While more extensive research is needed to fully understand the long-term benefits and potential side effects, current evidence suggests that WBC could be a valuable tool in the fibromyalgia treatment toolkit.
