Degenerative disc disease is the primary cause of back pain in young adults. The disease causes pain that flares up over prolonged periods of time.
Fortunately for those suffering with the disease, many treatment options are available. The actual treatment for the disease varies from one person to the next, with many different factors influencing the treatment.
Here we will take a look at some of the most common treatments for degenerative disc disease.
How to Treat Degenerative Disc Disease
There are numerous ways to treat degenerative disc disease, including those that you can do on your own, as well as those offered by the doctor. Here are some of those treatments:
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy us usually recommended for those who suffer from Degenerative Disc Disease. It is important to find a Physical Therapist to aid you in Physical Therapy.
Your primary doctor may be able to recommend you to a great therapist. With Physical Therapy, you will perform a variety of exercises that stretch the body and back in various ways. Physical Therapy usually takes place over a period of six weeks or more.
Alternative Treatments
Alternative treatment is also an option for the treatment of this condition. Many people prefer alternative treatments because they are safer and have fewer risks involved.
Alternative treatments are safe for most people. Alternative treatments that you might opt for include acupressure, acupuncture, herbal remedies and biofeedback. If you are interested in these types of treatment, talk to
Chiropractor Care
Care for a chiropractor is also a treatment option for degenerative disc disease. Chiropractors use various spinal manipulation techniques to work the spine back into natural position and to alleviate the pain associated with this condition.
Many people prefer to see a chiropractors to help them with this disease. There are a number of different treatments the chiropractor can offer to an individual suffering from the disease.
For most people these treatments are highly effective and provide results faster than the other treatment options.
Many doctors prescribe a medication to their patients when Degenerative Disc Disease is diagnosed. Medication types that the doctor might prescribe include anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxers, and anti-depressants.
The doctor may also recommend the patient use over the counter medications, such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol, to treat the pain associated with the condition.
Before prescribing any kind of medication the doctor will perform a physical examination and take a look at your medical history, including any type o medications that you currently use.
It is rare that surgery is needed to treat Degenerative Disc Disease but it is still an option that is available if nothing else seems to work.
Usually a doctor will recommend surgery only after months of treatment that proved to be ineffective. Surgery is usually performed when one of the following factors are affecting your life:
- Deformity or curvature of the spine
- When pressure of the nerve root is resting on the spinal cord
- Nerve damage, known as radiculopathy, has occurred
- Surgery may also be used to stabilize a vertebra segment
There are several types of surgeries that can be performed to treat degenerative disc disorder. This includes:
Discectomy and Infusion
This type of surgery is used to remove a damaged vertebra disc and replace it with mother bone or another type o material all together.
With time, the replacement bone will fuse with the vertebra. Microdiscetomy may also be performed for the same results.
During this type of procedure, a section of the vertebra and the disc is removed, allowing more space for the spine. Next a bone graft is used to stabilize the sine. Sometimes it is a metal plate used to stabilize.
This type of procedure, and similar procedures, work to remove the bony structure found in the spin. This alleviates the pressure that is on the roots of the nerve.
Sometimes the procedure is instead used to enlarge the spinal column so that there is more room available for the spinal cord and the nerves.
At-Home Treatments
In addition to the treatments above, there are a number of ways that you can help yourself to less pain associated with the condition from the comfort of your own home. It is best to put as many of these techniques to work as possible.
Since most of these treatments are safe, you can perform them without risk or worry, but make sure that you do not overdo it and pull a muscle or cause other strains. Some of the at-home treatments you may wish to use include:
- Stand up straight, and practice other methods of improving posture, including sitting up straight
- Restrict activities when a flare-up occurs
- The use of hot packs and cold packs is recommended by most doctors. This is an excellent way to provide immediate pain elimination benefits.
- A support brace can be worn to keep the back straight and to take away some of the pressure on the back. Many different support races are available.
- Rest when it is necessary to rest. Sometimes you must take cues from your body and give it what it needs. When a flare-up or excessive pain occurs, one way to help yourself is to lie in the bed and take the pressure off of the back. Treat your back right and it will do the same for you.
Final Thoughts
Although people with Degenerative Disc Disease may feel pain over a long period of time, there is help for the condition. Talk to your doctor about these treatment options, as well as others that may be available to you.
Together with your doctor you can determine which treatment method is best for your needs and eliminate the problem from your life.
For most people, degenerative disc disease is eliminated by the age of 65, but with proper treatments this time period can be much quicker. The sooner you begin treatment for the disease, the better the results you will receive.