Exercise and Decrease Your Lower Back Pains

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Low back pain is an experience all of you have or probably will feel at least once in your lifetime. And it is not a very pleasant experience, if I may add. You should consider yourself lucky if you haven’t felt it yet. If you ask people who have had that experience, you will hear that low back pain can be the most painful or sometimes the most annoying thing in the world.

Low back pain is the most common back pain and the most common problem in people from all ages and all genders. Actually, this is the second reason for people visiting doctors, right after headaches. Almost 90% of people suffer from low back pains sooner or later in life.

Being such a huge problem, you probably have read all there is to know about low back pain, causes, symptoms, treatments and everything. However, there is something missing here. Exercising!

Yes, exercises can really help you improve your lower back condition and find relief from all those pains. Exercising can improve your lower back motion, improve your posture, relax and strengthen your muscles and heal the aching back.

When you decide to exercise, make sure that your back does not hurt too much. Researches show that you should first try to lessen the pain before starting to exercise. Exercises will be beneficial for your low back in the long run, but if you have too much pain, they can make it worse.

And plus, exercising when you are in pain can be too uncomfortable. The right time for exercising is when the pain starts to decrease.

There is also another important thing you have to be careful with if you choose to exercise. The wrong type of exercises can make the situation and the pains even worse. So be careful what kind of exercises you do. What kinds of exercises are best for you usually depends on the cause of your back pains.

In general, the best types of exercises for lower back pains are stretching, strengthening, relaxation and in some cases aerobic exercises. It is best if you look for a professional physical therapist to help you. On the other hand, if you do prefer to exercise alone, here are a couple of exercises that are excellent for your lower back.

chronic lower back pain exercise knee to chest

Knees to chest

Lie down on you back flat. Start with raising one knee to your chest and hold it for a few seconds. Then do the same with your other knee. If you are able, improve by raising both of your knees up to the chest.

Stretch your back

Lie on the stomach. Push your upper body (torso) by using your arms. Hold for at least 5 seconds. Then go down and relax. Repeat this at least 10 times.

Pelvic lift and tilt

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Start by lifting your pelvic a little and then slowly go down and tilt so that your whole back touches and is pressed against the floor. Then relax.

chronic lower back pain exercise leg raise

Wall sit

Stand still approximately 10 inches from the wall. Then try to lean back in a position where your back is flat touching the wall. Slide down with your back against the wall until your knees bend. Stay in that position for 5 seconds and then carefully go back.

Leg Raise

Lie flat and straight on your back. Start raising one leg for as far as you can without bending the knee. Then hold a few seconds and slowly put it down. Then do the same thing with you other leg. If you feel like you can do this, try to raise both of your legs at once.

Roll your knees

Lie on your back with the knees bend a little and feet still entirely touching the ground. Put your knees together and roll them on the one side and then on the other side. Stay in one side for a couple of seconds and on the other side for a few seconds. Repeat this motion at least 15 times.


Start this exercise down on the all fours (on your knees and hands).  Cat position – lower your trunk and your back downwards and hold your head up high. Stay like that for 10 seconds at least.

Camel position – Opposite of the cat position. This time lower your head and neck down, and push your back upwards. Stay like that for a couple of seconds as well.

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