Fibromyalgia suffers often complain that they feel slow, sluggish, ache all over, the way a person with the flu feels.
In addition, they find they’re getting sick more often. The illness seems to linger for a longer period of time and the symptoms are worse than anyone else who’s suffered from the same illness.
So is all of these a result of the fibromyalgia attacking the immune system, or is there another logical explanation as to why this occurs?
In the following paragraphs, I’ll explain why some doctors believe fibromyalgia attacks the immune system, while other doctors disagree with this logic.
The Fibromyalgia Confusion
As you well know fibromyalgia suffers often experiences all the above symptoms, in addition to numerous other issues.
This is because fibromyalgia often mimics certain diseases while causing dysfunctions in other areas of the body.
Experts have conducted numerous studies trying to figure out what causes the disease and the effect it has on our body.
They’ve also conducted a variety of research hoping they’d be able to find better treatment options.
Despite these countless well-executed attempts, the results were determined as being unsatisfactory.
The researchers concluded that because of the large amounts of inconsistencies in their findings, there wasn’t enough substantial evidence to make a conclusion at that time.
This left many experts baffled. It’s this confusion that leads some doctors to believe fibromyalgia affects the immune system, while others strongly disagree.
Battle of the Facts
We don’t know for sure if Fibromyalgia directly affects our immune system. We do know for certain that there is an inaccuracy in the way the adrenal gland is connected to a person suffering from fibromyalgia.
This flaw decreases the levels of cortisol that’s distributed throughout the body. This reduction could increase their stress levels.
It also affects the way their body breaks down, uses and stores sugar. In addition, the abnormal amount of cortisol will increase estrogen in the body, while decreasing progestin and the growth hormone P.
It’s thought that the decrease in these hormones can weaken the immune system. Another conclusive finding determined that fibromyalgia suffers has shown a difference in blood flow in the pain center of the brain.
It’s also been determined that the NMDA neuron receptors in the brain have a large increase in activity in people who suffer from fibromyalgia. This combination will increase pain, intensify stress levels and lower the immune system’s ability to fight off bacteria’s.
Experts also agree that sleep is often disrupted in fibromyalgia patients. This lack of REM sleep can exacerbate pain, fatigue, restlessness, stress, anger, depression and loss of appetite.
This increase in symptoms can lower your immune system’s capabilities. Lastly, studies concluded that the white blood cells and cytokines counts are continually high in fibromyalgia patients.
Something that’s normally only seen during an infection. Now that you understand why so many experts are unable to give you a direct answer to this question. Let’s look at some things you can do to improve your immune system.
Immune System Goodies
We know that the immune system is your body’s defense against harmful toxins known as antigens. When your body thinks it has an infection, it will produce phagocytes to protect itself.
So the first thing we should do is to make sure our body has the ability to produce these valuable white blood cells.
The best way to accomplish that is to eat healthy meals. This includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.
These items are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antitoxins. Experts agree that the raw version of these foods is better for you since you deplete most of the nutrients when you cook them.
Protein has also shown to increase your immune system. So be sure to eat plenty of lean meat and other good sources of protein every day.
Another great suggestion is to take a multivitamin and Omega 3 every day. Make sure your vitamin, has the recommended doses of vitamin c, to boost immune health, B vitamins, for energy and Vitamin d which is shown to help with fibromyalgia.
Exercise will help boost your body’s fighting power. It’s also heart healthy and will help reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. Reduce stress levels.
Like I’ve mentioned before stress levels are already increasingly high and this can take a toll not only on your immune system but your overall wellbeing. So meditation or a yoga class is a good idea.
When you cook use olive oil. Other cooking oils have saturated fats, which is harmful to your body. Lastly, keep a food diary to find out what foods cause you to have digestive issues.
Once you have a list, review it to find out what foods caused you problems. Once that’s been determined, you need to stay away from them. The reason why I say this is the foods that cause you discomfort overworks your system.
This will decrease your immune system. Although not everyone has the same reaction to foods, there’s a few that commonly creates problems they include; Additives, perspectives, both trans-fat and saturated fat, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, flour, yeast, grains, aspartame, soy, dairy, gluten and nightshade vegetables.
Agree or Disagree; That is the Question?
Even though experts agree to disagree when it comes to this question we do know some things for sure. We know the adrenal gland works improperly in fibromyalgia patients.
This causes an increase in some hormones and a decrease in others. This fluctuation can cause the immune system to become compromised.
We also know that the increased levels of stress, pain, fatigue, poor appetite and lack of sleep can also decrease the immune system’s ability to fight off infection.
Lastly, we understand there are things we can do to help our immune system. We can eat right. Include plenty of raw fruits, vegetables, and proteins in our diet.
Take a multivitamin and omega 3 supplements. We can exercise, reduce stress and stay away from foods we know will upset our system.
Breaking news from the Karolinska Institute in Sweeden: IL-8 has been found to be 20 times higher in FM patients than in those with Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is definitely an inflammatory process going on in the brain that involves the brain’s immune system.
Breaking news from the Karolinska Institute in Sweeden: IL-8 has been found to be 20 times higher in FM patients than in those with Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is definitely an inflammatory process going on in the brain that involves the brain’s immune system.