Muscle Spasms vs Muscle Twitching: Can Magnesium Offer Relief?

Magnesium for muscle spasms

Though they both involve basically the same thing: muscle tissue involuntarily contracting- muscle spasms and muscle twitches are two completely different conditions. Since they are different conditions, they have different causes. Muscle twitches, called fasciculations in the medical world, typically only affect one single muscle. The contractions are inside of the muscle and stem from … Read more

Controlling Bladder Spasms

Controlling Bladder Spasms

Chances are, at least once in your life, you have crossed your legs, hoping to make it to the closest restroom in time. However, there is a major different between really having to go and feeling like you have to go all the time. For those who struggle with spasms of the bladder, this feeling … Read more

Heal Muscle Cramps Naturally with Minerals

How to Get Rid of Muscle Cramps with Minerals

A muscle cramp is the result of the muscle forcibly and involuntarily contracting and not relaxing. When you’re using your voluntary muscles, such as those in your arms and legs, they alternately relax and contract as you move. Muscles supporting your head, truck, and neck work in a synchronized manner in order to maintain your … Read more

Treating Muscle Contractions Naturally

homeopathic remedy for muscle contractions

A muscle contraction that is involuntary and can affect any part of the body is called a muscle spasm. Depending on the size and location of the muscle, it can be nearly unnoticeable or painful and sharp. A muscle cramp is a spasm that is fairly brief- relaxing fairly quickly. However, the terms spasm and … Read more

Muscle Spasms in Torso: Causes and Treatments

Muscle Spasms in Torso

You probably already know that a muscle spasms occur when your muscle contracts involuntary. Everyone- no matter what their age or gender- can be affected by muscle spasms. These can be quite painful at times and only after the spasm eases up is the individual able to get some relief. Muscle spasms can occur anywhere … Read more

What causes muscle spasms in weird places?

What causes muscle spasms in weird places?

Muscles and muscle spasms A muscle spasm is a sudden contraction of the muscle that is normally involuntary. They are normally painful and come and go quickly. They are different from twitches, which normally involve the movement of a section of the muscle. The movement is uncontrolled and normally can be seen under the skin. … Read more

What Foods Help Skeletal Muscle Spasms

What Foods Help Skeletal Muscle Spasms

Knowing What to Eat Helps Reduce Muscle Spasms Skeletal muscles are the muscles found in your arms, legs, back, stomach and neck, they are the muscles that connect to your body. It’s these muscles that’s responsible for our movements. Unlike the smooth muscles we can usually control them. Occasionally these muscles will tense up into … Read more

Foods That Relieve Muscle Spasms

Foods That Relieve Muscle Spasms

A muscle spasm is a sudden involuntary tightening of your muscles. There are numerous reasons why this happens. Some of them include; overworked tired muscles, starting a new exercise program, not warming up before you work out.  A lot of autoimmune diseases cause this to occur. Sometimes it’s our body’s way of letting us know … Read more