Can You Get Disability For Vertigo?

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Suffering from vertigo? The feeling of being confused, your head spinning and other problems can hinder your work. So can you get disability for vertigo, and if so what do you need to do in order to get it? Let’s find out.

Vertigo refers to the sensation that makes you feel off-balance. It is pretty prevalent in the US, and as per some studies, almost 40% of Americans will go through an episode of Vertigo at least once in a lifetime. 

Vertigo sufferers may feel like spinning, falling, or even tossed around. This may cause blurred vision, lightheadedness, nausea, and vomiting. People with Vertigo may have difficulty staying on their feet which can cause difficulty walking. People suffering from Vertigo might be unable to maintain their balance and fall.

Can You Get Disability For Vertigo

Most people find that Vertigo is a nuisance rather than a condition. If you experience frequent or continuous episodes of Vertigo, it may be a problem. Vertigo could be causing impairment, affecting your life in the long run.

Causes of Vertigo

There are many causes of Vertigo. They include:

  • Acute damage caused to the inner part of the ear
  • Inflammation of the ear’s middle, and other ear conditions
  • Otitis 
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Meniere’s disease
  • A tumor within the nerve tissue
  • The flow of blood towards the brain (cerebellar hemorrhage)
  • A head injury 
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Vestibular Balance Disorder
  • Migraines
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • The complications of diabetes
  • Blood pressure issues

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Can You Receive SSDI Benefits for Vertigo?

The SSA’s Blue Book lists Vertigo under the Special Sense and Speech Section 2.0.

However, to be recognized under section 2.0, your condition must be severe enough, making you wholly and permanently disabled so that you cannot do your job the way you used to. 

If the social security administration does not find that your Vertigo is severe enough, you can combine your disability application with other medical conditions to give you a better chance of getting approved. 

When the vestibular system has been damaged due to an accident or illness, the affected individual may experience symptoms like fatigue, faintness, anxiety, nausea, and difficulty with balance and body movements (disequilibrium), commonly known as Vertigo.

Patients with these conditions may be eligible for monthly disability payments through the Social Security Administration (SSA) under section 12.00.

Other signs and symptoms that are associated with vertigo include:

  • A typical eye movement called nystagmus.
  • The choking or nausea.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Overstretched sweating.
  • A persistent ringing in the ear is a condition called Tinnitus.
Can You Get Disability For Vertigo

Many sufferers of Vertigo also experience constant dizziness. In reality, both these disorders belong to the same category of conditions known as vestibular diseases under section 2.0.

The term “vestibular disorder” refers to the vestibular system, which is the areas of the brain and the inner ear that regulate eye movements and balance. Other vestibular disorders are:

  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Perilymph Fistula (PLF)
  • Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops (SEH)
  • Vestibular Neuritis (Labyrinthitis)

What are the Social Security Rules for Vertigo?

The SSA’s Blue Book of medical conditions says that if Vertigo is due to labyrinthine-vestibular dysfunction (inner ear damage) and the applicant meets specific requirements, SSA will directly grant benefits. 

But, to meet the criteria, applicants must demonstrate medical evidence that they suffer from balance issues and Tinnitus or partial hearing impairment.

The Social Security Administration determines that a hearing loss is disabling in cases where the hearing threshold sensitivity is less than 90 decibels and the bone conduction hearing thresholds are less than 60 decibels in the unaffected ear.  If you are also claiming a balance disorder, you need to show that your vestibular labyrinth is damaged.

If a person seeking vertigo disability claim can pass an exam to recognize words, they should not be able to recite more than 40 percent of a word list.

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What Kind of Documents Can Prove a Diagnosis of Vertigo?

Social Security disability applications for Vertigo won’t be accepted without specific documents. Radionuclide scans of bony structures in the inner ear can aid in defense of a vertigo claim. Pure tone and speech audiometry is also required according to SSA rules regarding the vertigo disability benefit.

Can You Get Disability For Vertigo

Understanding the SSA Vertigo Listing

To be eligible for the SSA’s disability listings for vertigo-related disabilities, You must be able to demonstrate the following conditions:

  • Balance issues
  • Tinnitus
  • Partial hearing loss

Vertigo is a factor that can be enough to affect the decision of a disability case if you work in high altitudes or in areas that are near dangers, or a sudden onset can put your life at risk or those of others. 

In these situations as well, if you’re over 50, the administrative judge typically will not require you to learn for a different job and might even be able to decide to approve your claim. Additionally, you will need to prove the existence of a balance disorder utilizing tests and doctors’ explanations.

Necessary Medical Tests To Establish Vertigo For Your Disability Case

You might have to undergo tests as specified by a registered practitioner to confirm the vertigo diagnosis and it’s impact on your ability to function properly. 

These tests could also identify the root cause of Vertigo and how it’s affected by the underlying medical condition. These tests could be helpful to assist you in completing your application for disability benefits.

The SSA may require additional tests to determine if they believe that your medical documents are correct, whether you are describing the problem correctly and how severe the problem is and whether you’re in a position to work. Usually they will pay for such tests.

Such SSA authorized medical assessments include seeing a doctor and performing basic laboratory tests.

Can You Get Disability For Vertigo

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you get Vertigo?

Vertigo is usually due to a malfunction in how balance is controlled within the inner ear. However, it could be due to problems in specific brain areas.
Vertigo causes can be benign paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV), in which specific head movements cause vertigo or migraines, head injuries, diabetes, prolonged bed rest, and severe headaches. 

Does Vertigo Affect Your Memory?

Yes, vertigo affects your memory, but it may be short-lived. The most frequent inner ear disorder that can cause vertigo is BPPV, which may cause vertigo-related memory problems for patients of all ages. The good news is that if BPPV is the reason for cognitive impairment, the symptoms usually clear quickly once BPPV is treated or it is determined that BPPV is eliminated

How much disability do you get for vertigo?

You are prone to 60% hearing disability with attacks of cerebellar gait and vertigo, which occur from one to four times a month.
Under the VA disability rating, you get a 30% rating for dizziness and occasional staggering and 10% for occasional dizziness.

Does vertigo make you tired?

Vertigo can make you tired. If your vertigo is due to motion sickness, it can also cause fatigue. Vertigo can also cause a loss of balance, making you feel unsteady and clumsy. If vertigo is a symptom of a more serious condition, like Meniere’s disease, it can lead to anemia and other health problems.

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Wrap up

Your vertigo condition doesn’t automatically qualify you for disability benefits, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t still receive approval through an RFC and other documents. Doctors fill out the form for residual functioning capacity (RFC) in a clear and precise manner to explain how Vertigo and any other medical condition affect your ability to work.

The RFC will determine how much you can lift, the length of time you can stand, how long you can sit, and your capacity to bend or reach out and grab. They’ll look at your capability to carry out your previous work and the ability to transfer your skills into a new type of work.

You should also talk to a disability lawyer to make a solid case for you.