Can Lack of Sleep Cause Tingling and Numbness?

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There are numerous reasons why a person can feel numbness and tingling known as paresthesia.

It can include anything from; diseases, medications, lack of movements, injury, pinched nerve, neuropathy, chemotherapy, cervical injury, poor blood supply.

Depletion of certain vitamins and minerals can also cause this sensation.

This numbness is generally felt in your extremities, but it can occur anywhere on your body. So can lack of sleep cause this sensation to occur?

The Long Sleepless Nights

Everyone experiences insomnia, the inability to fall asleep at some point in their life. Often this occurs when a person’s worried or stressed about a situation.

Sometimes insomnia can be the result of poor diet, lack of exercise, hypoglycemia, caffeine and alcohol use.

Anxiety, stress, depression, lack of certain vitamins, minerals and certain foods can cause us to have difficulty sleeping.

Sometimes a medical condition can cause this problem. Some of them, include; sleep apnea, REM sleep behavioral disorder, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder and narcolepsy.

 Sleep Deprivation Outcome

When we sleep our body repairs and rejuvenates itself. That’s why it’s suggested to get eight hours of sleep every day.

If we are unable to, this can cause many health issues. Some of them include; disorders of the brain, nervous system. It can weaken our immune system’s ability to fight off infections.

It can create various cardiovascular diseases including; high blood pressure, angina, inflammatory heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and heart attack.

It can cause a person to become Obese, which can lead to diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

It can also cause severe emotional issues some of them including anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. In addition, it can trigger numerous other metabolic dysfunctions throughout the body.

Sleep deprivation can become so extreme, that it causes someone to have a serious accident.

A person who’s unable to sleep may try to use drugs, or alcohol as a treatment choice. Later they find that they have a dependency for these substances.

The Insomnia Triggers

We first need to find out if our sleep problem is because we’re having difficulty falling asleep, or if it’s the inability to stay asleep.

Generally, it’s difficulty falling asleep. This can be caused by the numerous issues I’ve mentioned above. Sometimes a person’s unable to get comfortable.

This could be due to pain, a change in their environment, or perhaps they have a living condition that constantly disrupts their sleep.

Occasionally, people are unable to go to sleep because they’re fearful of not being able to sleep. In addition, food can cause a person to be unable to sleep.

Doctors suggest that people with insomnia keep a list of all the foods you ate. On the nights you have difficulty falling asleep review it and find what food might be causing insomnia.

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Check the prices for the bestseller Natural Sleep Aid on Amazon.

Mother Nature Take Me Away

If you’re like many you feel safer trying an all-natural product first. Sometimes natural products are the best, possibly safer choice.

Here are a few suggestions. Valerian, passionflower, skullcap, kava. For the best results, it’s suggested to take the recommended dose one hour before bedtime.

Hyland Homeopathic has two supplements to help you sleep they are; Calms Forte and Insomnia Formula.

Like the ones listed above, you should take them one hour before you go to sleep.

Some people use 5- hydroxytryptophan with some type of carbohydrate, like juice, crackers, or a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter.

This supplement helps improve your brain’s serotonin production, which in turn improves your overall sleep.

– 1 TBS of Flax seed oil’s shown to strengthen the nervous system, which helps reduce pain so you can get a more restful night’s sleep.

3mg of melatonin to replenish the melatonin reduction found in patients with hormone imbalances and in elderly patients.

250 mg of magnesium citrate’s also shown to improve sleep quality.

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Tingling and Numbness

The Slumber Battle

It’s suggested to start a bedtime regimen. This time should be consistent and it should include activities that will help you relax.

For instance, reading, listening to soft music, yoga, meditation, or taking a long warm bath.

You should try to get up the same time each day, even on the weekends. Our bodies seem to do function a lot better if it’s a set routine.

When you wake up, be sure to let the sun shine in on you. This will not only give you the needed vitamin d, it will help reset your biological clock, which will help reset a sleep pattern.

Your bedroom should be as dark as possible.It should feel comfortable to you and have little if any noises.

Ways to accomplish this would be dark curtains, sleeping mask, earplugs. Sometimes a fan will help block out noises from the outside.

Make sure your bedroom is a perfect temperature for you.Be sure to only use it for sleep and intimacy.

Food and beverages can cause insomnia. So do not drink alcohol or caffeinated products after lunch and never eat a large meal in the evening.

I say this for two reasons. The first is the heavy meal could cause indigestion which can upset your sleep cycle.

Second, the evening calories are stored not burned off, so a heavier meal in the evening could cause you to gain weight.

– Stay active throughout the day and start an exercise routine. Make sure you don’t do your exercise regimen to close to bedtime.

– Try to relax your mind before bed. Think of happy, comforting things, instead of things that might be worrying you.

– If you go to bed and find you can’t sleep, get back up. Try to do something that will relax you before trying again.

Snooze Ville, Here I Come

Sleep is very important in our overall wellbeing. When we sleep our body restores itself. Without the recommended 8 hours of sleep a day, our bodies will slowly deteriorate.

This can cause numerous serious health issues, including numbness and tingling in our bodies.

What Causes Tingling Throughout the Body?

Many people experience numbness, tingling, cold, and other unusual sensations throughout their bodies.

These sensations are what doctors call paresthesias. There are a variety of medical issues that can cause paresthesias.

In many causes, paresthesias are caused by problems with nerves. Your nerves pass sensations from the rest of your body to your spinal cord and brain.

According to Healthline, When a nerve is pinched, damaged, or otherwise infringed upon, your body feels this as numbness and tingling.

In many cases, tingling throughout the body is caused by sitting or standing in a position that presses on a nerve or major blood vessel.

The nerve cannot pass messages as efficiently when it is partially blocked or deprived of blood flow. Many people refer to this as their body part “falling asleep.”

If the issue causing the paresthesia is merely a positional one, the issue will resolve soon after the person changes position.

If tingling does not resolve with a change of position, there are several other possible causes. A person could have a vitamin deficiency, a migraine, or an injury to a nerve.

According to WebMD, There are a few serious medical issues that can cause tingling. These include multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and other serious medical disorders.

Although most cases of tingling are caused by minor health issues, it is important to rule out more serious diseases with your health care provider.

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Tingling in My Hands and Feet?

Most people will experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances at some point in their lives.

In addition to making you feel tired and sleepy, a lack of sleep can also create a variety of unusual symptoms.

If you have a disorder that causes numbness or tingling of your hands and feet, a lack of sleep can exacerbate it, or make it worse.

These conditions include anxiety, peripheral neuropathy, and restless leg syndrome.

If numbness and tingling are symptoms you have suffered before, lack of sleep may indeed induce them.

In addition, sleeping allows most people to lay flat on a comfortable surface. This reduces the positional stress in their nerves that have occurred throughout the day.

If a person is not sleeping adequately, they may not be laying down long enough to let their nerves and bones rest from the stress of the day.

According to US National Library of Medicine, In rare cases, people with insomnia can indeed develop numbness and tingling as a result of a lack of sleep.

Insomnia causes a medical state called “CNS hyperarousal,” in which the brain and spinal cord are hyperactive. This can lead to a variety of different nerve sensations.

Insomnia can be caused by stress as well as dangerous diseases. A doctor can help you find out what is causing your symptoms and how you best can treat them.

There is no need to deal with ongoing sleeplessness or long-term numbness and tingling.

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Numbness in the Face?

According to the University of Michigan, Numbness in the face can be a warning sign of a dangerous disease, such as a stroke. However, in many cases, it is caused by something mundane.

Bell’s palsy is a disorder in which people have a period of numbness, tingling, and dropping in the facial muscles.

There are a variety of causes for this disorder but most are temporary and last only a few months.

Bell’s palsy is made worse by a lack of sleep, so people with this disorder will often notice more facial tingling when they have had a sleepless night.

There are other disorders that can cause numbness in the face, such as Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, migraines, lupus, myasthenia gravis, and trigeminal neuralgia.

These are not common. However, people with these disorders may have more facial numbness than usual when they suffer from a lack of sleep.

In most cases, numbness and tingling in the face are not due to a lack of sleep.

It can make some conditions worse, but insomnia rarely causes this symptom on its own. A doctor can rule out more serious diseases to put your mind at ease.

If a lack of sleep is causing debilitating or uncomfortable symptoms such as this one, it is important to begin getting more sleep.

Numbness and tingling in the face is often a warning sign that you need to get medical care and make better lifestyle choices. There are many safe and natural ways to get more high-quality sleep.

Why Does My Arm Feel Numb When I Sleep?

It is very common for people to experience numbness in their arms, hands, and fingers during sleep and in the minutes after waking.

In most cases, this is due to sleep position. Laying in a way that impinges nerve and blood supply to an area will cause temporary paresthesia that should resolve soon after waking.

There are many nerves that run through your neck and shoulder to your arms and hands. These are the ones most commonly responsible for numbness of the arm.

When you sleep with your arm underneath your head or in an odd position, these nerves can become pinched to lose blood flow.

In many cases, you can tell exactly what nerve is being affected by what areas of your arm are experiencing numbness.

In this video, a physical therapist explains how this happens. Once you know what nerve is involved, you can change position or move pillows to keep it from happening again.

Nerves in your arm have to exit your cervical spine to reach your upper extremities.

If you have arm numbness and do not sleep with your arms and shoulders in a high-risk position, your neck position may be responsible.

If numbness in your arms is uncomfortable, wakes you at night, or lasts for more than a few minutes after changing position, you may want to consider changing your sleep position.

Sleeping flat on your back with your arms at your sides is the best option. Laying on your stomach or side with arms raised above shoulder level is the position most likely to cause nerve impingement.

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