Arthritis is something that we all deal with at least once in our lives. Some people deal with it in their entire bodies, whereas others only deal with it in a spot or two.
Either way, it can end up being a huge hindrance and it can be difficult to go through your tasks of daily living. That being said,
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is, in short, a disorder that makes it difficult for your joints to move.
Sometimes, it happens because the cartilage in your joints is starting to disappear because of an injury or just because of age, in other cases, it just happens as a part of the natural aging process.
No matter what the reason, arthritis makes it hard for you to get from point A to point B – in the worst cases, you get swelling in your joints, which can be frustrating and uncomfortable for many people who end up dealing with the disease.
Arthritis can happen at any age, and for any reason – your doctor can give you the best idea as to whether or not it is the problem that you’re dealing with or if your symptoms are related to another issue that your body may be fighting off or dealing with at the same time.
Why Go Natural To Help Arthritis Pain?
There are so many different remedies out there related to arthritis pain that it may seem odd that we suggest for you to try and deal with it in a natural manner.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what sort of pain or disorder that you’re fending off, it is important that you can consider going natural with at least part of the treatment plan that you put together for symptom relief and healing.
Here are some of the main reasons why you may want to go natural to deal with your arthritis pain.
– It is a lot healthier for you to consider a natural path for pain relief, because it means that you aren’t putting excess chemicals in your body that could end up causing the body harm as you grow older.
– The chances for addiction with pain medication are exceptionally high, and because of that, it’s a lot safer for you to go with a natural path for your pain relief, instead of going with the medication trends that may be used for the same issue.
– Natural remedies are natural – they come from the world, and they are supposed to be going into our bodies, so you can feel a lot more comfortable with the results that you get when use them. They’re also easy to find, so you don’t have to go to a million different stores to find what you’re looking for.
– Some studies prove that many of these natural remedies are remarkably helpful, especially when it comes to long term relief. Why not use a more effective form of therapy – it may seem like it costs more upfront, but in the long run, it could save you a lot of money when it comes to your future medical costs.
Natural Remedies and Tips for Arthritis Relief
Have you been convinced that natural remedies are the way to go when it comes to arthritis relief?
If so, then we’ve got a wide collection of various natural remedies that you can try in order to get relief from your symptoms and, in some cases, even encourage the healing that your body needs in order to be able to work for its fullest potential.
As with any remedy, some of these may work for you, and some of them may not – just try the ones that you think will work and see what ones may give you what you’re looking for.
Supplements and Foods
There are numerous natural supplements available that claim to have the capacity to diminish joint pain that is associated with arthritis and other similar problems.
Some of the supplements and foods that are touted for arthritis pain are the ones that we will talk about here.
Continuously converse with your specialist before attempting to add supplements in order to prevent issues related to reactions that may occur between what you’re taking.
They can also give you recommendations for alternatives if you’re concerned about how your body may react when it comes to such issues.
Everybody needs omega-3 unsaturated fats in their diet for ideal wellbeing. Many people talk about taking omega-3 fats or fish oil supplements in order to help with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and various other mental health issues.
But, that’s not the only sort of thing that Omega-3 fatty acids can help with; these fats might likewise help with your joint inflammation.
Fish oil supplements, which are high in omega-3s, may assist decrease with the pain and stiffness that comes as a result of arthritis.
Many people go for fish oil first, because the supplements are relatively inexpensive and are easy to take.
Another unsaturated fat that can help is gamma-linolenic corrosive, or GLA. It’s found in the seeds of specific plants like night primrose, borage, hemp, and dark currants. You can likewise purchase the seeds’ oils as a supplement.
This will help to loosen up your joints without the need for any other sort of medication in the process.
Look around in your local health store to find the right supplement for your specific needs and, in any case, make sure to check with your specialist before taking them.
Turmeric, the yellow spice that you find regularly in Indian dishes, contains a synthetic called curcumin that may have the capacity to lessen arthritis pain.
The mystery is its mitigating properties. The NIH reports that turmeric given to lab rats lessened irritation in their joints.
Research on people is rare, yet it can’t hurt to add this delectable zest to your meals. It’s incredibly delicious and can also help with your allergies and other sinus problems, so even if it doesn’t help with your arthritis, it can help with any other number of issues that you may be fighting off.
Boswellia, better known as frankincense is applauded by alternative medicine professionals for its calming capacities. It is takenfrom the gum of boswellia trees, which are found in India.
In short, the boswellia gum will help to stop what are called leukotrienes, substances that can assault the healthiest of joints in immune system mishaps, for example, rheumatoid joint pain.
A number of agencies state that there is promising confirmation of boswellia helping with arthritis pain, however, they all mention that there is an absence of human trials.
Boswellia is accessible in a tablet structure, and also in topical creams, and both of them are said to make some sort of a difference when it comes to relieving pain.
Cat’s Claw is another calming herb that may lessen swelling in joint pain. This herb is from a tropical vine, and its utilization goes back to Inca civic establishments.
Generally, Cat’s Claw is utilized to help boost your immune system. As of late, the immunity boosts of the herb have been used to try and help with joint pain.
The drawback is that Cat’s Claw might overstimulate the immunity, possibly exacerbating the pain in the joints that is usually experienced by those with arthritis.
Studies have demonstrated that feline’s paw can help with osteoarthritis torment and rheumatoid swelling.
Be that as it may, there’s no evidence that this herb can avert further joint injury, and there still are some studies out there that have to be published and explored before we can make a full analysis of what is going on and whether or not it should be included in treatment – talk to your doctor for more information, if you want to consider this option as part of your treatment plan.
Another herb that a lot of people consider as part of their arthritis treatment is the well-known eucalyptus (yes, the plant that koalas like to munch on in Australia).
Like aloe vera (which is a distant cousin of the plant), eucalyptus is broadly accessible in western markets. It is utilized as a part of oral prescriptions, and topical oil concentrates are utilized for a mixture of conditions.
Topical types of eucalyptus leaves are utilized to treat the pain that is so frequently associated with arthritis. These plant leaves contain tannins, which may be useful in lessening swelling and the subsequent torment that joint pain causes.
A few clients follow up with warmth cushions to augment the impacts of eucalyptus on swollen joints, so you may want to think about combining eucalyptus therapy with heat if you want to get the best results from it.
You may have ginger in your cupboard or spice cabinet for cooking, however this herb is additionally a staple in numerous alternative medicine cupboards.
The same chemicals that give ginger its solid flavor are additionally the same ones that have pain and swelling mitigating properties.
While the studies that have been done in order to prove the usefulness of ginger when it comes to arthritis pain are limited, the ones that have been done show promise and it is likely that ginger will be included in the medicine cabinets of many who try alternative medicines and home remedies to deal with their arthritis pain.
These definitely are not the only supplements and foods that you can consider when it comes to fighting off arthritis pain, but they’re a great place to start.
You can learn a lot from your doctor and other specialists that dabble in the world of herbs and supplements, so talk to your doctor and see what they recommend when it comes to how you should find the right natural techniques and treatments for you.
Take Care of Your Body
Your weight can have a major effect on the measure of torment you encounter from joint inflammation.
Additional weight puts more weight on your joints—particularly your knees, hips, and feet.
That means that, the more weight that you have, the more pressure that you’re going to feel, and the worse the arthritis is going to end up being as you grow older.
If you have ever had an injury, excess weight is also going to make those worse – many times, people end up needing surgery in order to recover from such things.
Losing weight so as to lessen the weight on your joints will enhance your versatility, reduce the amount of pain that you feel, and make it less likely that there is going to be future harm to your joints.
Your diet should change to help with your body’s overall health, and you will find that your joints work a lot better when all is said and done.
Use our foods and supplements list above to make appropriate adjustments and see what you can add in order to encourage optimal health for your joints and your bones.
Losing weight will, of course, include exercising on a regular basis so that you can actually see progress in your weight loss goals.
However, losing weight isn’t the only way that exercise can help benefit you when you’re fighting off the pain that is often associated with arthritis.
Standard exercise, even if you are just walking for 15 minutes to a half an hour a day, can help to keep up the flexibility in your joints.
However, you want to be careful if you walk – certain surfaces can end up causing you more pain and pressure.
With that, you definitely do not want to run – that will cause a lot of pressure, especially in your knees, which will just make everything worse.
Rather, attempt low-effect activities like water aerobics or swimming to flex your joints without including further stress in your routine.
Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to see what they recommend when it comes to exercise routines for your arthritis.
Consider Therapy
Just plain old hot and cold therapy can improve things significantly in the matter of joint pain. Long, warm baths or showers—particularly in the morning—help ease the stiffness and pain in your joints.
Utilize an electric blanket or some other type of electric heat source during the evening to keep your joints loose.
You could also consider using warm, wet washcloths in order to help loosen up your joints even more than you would have otherwise.
Warm and cold therapies, especially when you switch between the two, are known to make a huge difference in the pain and flexibility.
Another important therapy that you may want to consider is massage therapy. It can play a huge role in helping your muscles to stay loose and your joints to relieve their stiffness.
Some studies indicate that general massage of ligaments and joints can assist with the reduction of pain and stiffness, and enhance how much you’re able to move your joints around.
You can work with your doctor or physical therapist to learn about self-massage, or you can call and make an appointment with a professional massage therapist.
If you go with a professional, make your appointments at least once every other week – your doctor or your massage therapist can recommend how often based on your case and your pain level.
When looking for a massage therapist, you want to look for someone that specializes in therapeutic massage, and if you can, find someone who knows how to work with people who are fighting off arthritis pain.
If you aren’t sure where to look, ask your medical professional for asuggestion as to who they recommend that can help you with your particular issue.
That way, you know that you are going to get the correct treatment and you don’t have to worry about the potential that is associated with possible injury with someone who is not knowledgeable about the issues that you’re dealing with.
Arthritis can be a very stressful and irritating disorder to try and deal with, and sometimes, modern medicine just isn’t going to do the trick.
So, if you have found that modern medicine just isn’t working, or you want to try to go all natural before you jump in and try a medicinal treatment plan, then these are definitely things that you’re going to want to go ahead and try first.
Before you change any treatment, make sure that you talk to your doctor to learn more about the disorder and to see what they recommend when it comes to taking care of your particular problem.
They can give you the guidance that you need in order to ensure that your health is as it should be, and they can give you other recommendations that you can try while trying to relieve your pain.
Either way, your doctor is an invaluable source and you want to make sure that they are working with you, no matter what treatment plan that you have decided to put together or pursue on your own.