Is Depression a Disease or Illness?

Is Depression a Disease or Illness

It is the question of many people today if depression is indeed a disease.  To our sadness, most people don’t even know the actual meaning of a disease. So it won’t be surprising if the case of depression suddenly becomes a major issue. The other problem is that many scientists do not take an important … Read more

Music Truly Can Lift Your Spirits


When you’re struggling with depression, chances are that you see no way out. Your physician may recommend certain medications and other forms of treatments. However, these treatments may not be effective or you may wish for some other way to get out of the hole that you’re in. Recently, music therapy has increased as a … Read more

9 Worst Things to Say to Someone with Depression

9 Worst Things to Say to Someone with Depression

If you’re someone who is trying to help a person, friend or family member with depression there are certain phrases or keywords that should never be used. They can often be not only ineffective but also destructive to the person with depression, meaning that you make the problem worse. This article will discuss the 9 … Read more

Tips to Calm Down During an Anxiety Attack

Tips to Calm Down During an Anxiety Attack

You should know that anxiety is part of life- it is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. People feel anxious or nervous when they have a problem at work, or before making an important, life-changing decision, or even before taking test. However, anxiety disorders are much different than … Read more

Can Music Help with Depression?

How to Treat Depression with Music

Everyone will experience a case of “the blues” from time to time because life is full of ups and downs. However, if you feel like emptiness and even despair have taken over your life and you just can’t shake them, you may be experiencing depression. Depression makes it difficult for you to function and enjoy … Read more

Anxiety, You’ve Found an Enemy: Medical Marijuana

medical marijuana for anxiety

When it comes to the “hottest” topics out there, marijuana always seems to win the podium. No matter what decade you are in and no matter where you live, it seems that everyone has an opinion on whether marijuana (medical or recreational) should or should not be used. States are passing laws and citizens have … Read more

What is the Definition of Depression?

What is the Definition of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder, causing persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest. It can also be referred to as major depression, clinical depression, or major depressive disorder. It affects the way you feel, behave, and think and can lead to a variety both emotional and even physical problems. You might possibly have difficulty … Read more

9 Physical symptoms of depression

9 Physical symptoms of depression

This is a guest post contribution by Depression clearly has well-known emotional symptoms, but many people aren’t familiar with physical issues that often come with the condition. However, it is important that you be aware of them. These symptoms aren’t necessarily simply caused by a depressed imagination since depression is capable of causing real changes … Read more