Spinal Injuries: Whiplash Explained

what does whiplash feel like

Whiplash is an injury that occurs when the soft tissue in your spine is stretched and strained after your body has been thrown into a forceful and sudden jerk. This injury is the one that is most common in car crashes that involve sudden deceleration. However, this injury can also occur in other physical activities … Read more

Dealing with the Pain of Cervical Stenosis using Marijuana

using Marijuana for Cervical Stenosis

Medical marijuana is used as a treatment for several different symptoms and conditions, most of them related to nerves and nerve-pain. Cervical stenosis is a disease of the cervical spine that typically occurs because of degeneration of the vertebrae in the neck area. Additionally, cervical spinal stenosis can occur as a result of tumors and … Read more

How to Get Rid of a Sore Neck

How to Get Rid of a Sore Neck

Having a sore neck can interrupt every aspect of your life. It can make working, walking, sleeping and just being in your life a miserable and uncomfortable experience. There are many ways that you can learn how to get rid of a sore neck. What is even more important is that you also learn how … Read more

Soft Pillows And Neck Pain

Soft Pillows And Neck Pain

If you’ve been struggling with neck pain for any period of time, you may have been trying to figure out what the cause of it was. There are all sorts of causes for neck pain, and because of that, it’s important for us to figure out what the causes may be. In some cases, the … Read more

Cervicalgia: What is Causing Your Neck Pain?


The term “cervicalgia†comes from the Latin term for “neck,†which is “cervic†and the Greek word for pain, which is “algos.†Therefore, “cervicalgia†literally means “neck pain.†However, this pain does not radiate outward, as most neck pain does. Therefore, it is different than radiculopathy and other types of neck pain and is most likely … Read more

What are the Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis?

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is the term used for general wear and tear of the spinal vertebrae in your neck. As you age, the vertebrae actually dehydrate and therefore shrink, and bone spurs and other symptoms of osteoarthritis begin to develop. This form of spondylosis is quite common and does get worse as you get older. Additionally, … Read more

Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis Explained

Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis

The word “spondylosis” means a stiffening or fixation of the vertebrae in the back and neck due to a disease process. Spondylosis is the degenerative changes such as degenerating discs and bone spurs. Quite often, these changes are called osteoarthritis. Spondylosis can occur anywhere on the spine: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper/mid back), and lumbar (low … Read more